Apply for Funding
The Student Council would like to fund your initiatives
Do you have an idea for an event, association, club or other initiatives that can in favour for many MF students? Then the Student Council would like to assist financially. As part of a larger commitment to volunteerism among the students at MF, the Student Council released NOK 30,000,- in the budget for 2018 which students can apply for.
Here you will find everything you need to know about who can apply, what you can apply for, what you cannot apply for, and the link to the application form.
Who can apply for funding?
All students that have paid the semester fee at MF can apply. Applicants may be either one student or a group of students. Student associations related to MF are also welcome to apply for funding; however, the Student Council currently encourages student associations to seek financial support first from The Board of Cultural Affairs.
For more detailed information you can read the following document (only in Norwegian for now, unfortunately):
What can you apply for?
Students can apply for funding for:
1 – Project support to an event, a concept, or an activity.
2 – Investment support: for instance sports equipment (soccer, table tennis, volleyball, etc).
The student council will prioritize applications that will have an impact on a larger number of students.
What can you not apply for?
The funding cannot be used to buy alcohol or other intoxicants. This funding is not normally granted to applicants who are already receiving support from the present budget of the Student Council. Applicants who, without a valid reason, exclude or in another way make discrimination against some students cannot be granted support whatsoever. The Student Council also does not allocate the funding to the applicant's own travel expenses, or to applicants where the money will be used to pay fees and/or salaries. Any appeal of a Student Council decision must be made within two weeks after the date it was made.
Application form and deadlines
The application deadline is normally 7 working days before the next Student Council meeting.
You can find the application form here. (Only in Norwegian.)
What must be in the application?
The application must include:
a) Applicant's name, telephone number and address
b) Contact person for the project with address, telephone number, e-mail and study extension. The applicant and contact person can be the same person.
c) Applicant's purpose with a justification of how this is relevant to MF students
d) Presentation of the measure for which support is sought
e) Budget of the project
After conducting the project, the applicant must also submit a simple report with accounting. The report should describe how the project was conducted and what experiences resulted from the project.