- Emnekode: RL2012
- Studiepoeng: 10
- Semester: Vår
- Språk: Engelsk
Judaism and Islam RL2012
This course is no longer offered. Students who have the right to take or retake the exam in this course can contact the study counselor. Please notice that there will be no formal teaching and no obligatory activities in the course before the extra ordinary exam.
In this course, we will study Judaism and Islam, two religious traditions that are often referenced as "Abrahamic" or monotheistic. Indeed, Judaism and Islam are closely related to each other. Both religions originated in the Middle East, albeit centuries apart: When Muhammad received the revelation of the Qur’an, which marked the historical beginnings of Islam, this new religion emerged in a context that was already steeped in centuries of Judaism. Coexisting alongside each other, interacting with each other and adapting to the same contexts, the histories of the two religions are tangled. While they religions exhibit kindred theological and ritual traditions — such as prayer, fasting, and dietary laws — they also had to articulate what was unique about them in relation to the other.
We will study Judaism and Islam both in historical perspective from their beginnings until contemporary times, working comparatively to understand each of the two religions on its own terms, while also tracing both similarities and differences. Our emphasis will be, first, on the formative periods, where we trace the two religions’ historical beginnings, their sacred scriptures, rituals, and legal traditions. Second, we will study the challenges Judaism and Islam have encountered in modern times, focusing on issues like colonialism and racism (antisemitism, Islamophobia), political representation, applied ethics, and popular culture.
There are no formal prerequisites for this course, but students are recommended to have completed RL1012 before taking RL2012.
Om studiet
This course is no longer offered. Students who have the right to take or retake the exam in this course can contact the study counselor. Please notice that there will be no formal teaching and no obligatory activities in the course before the extra ordinary exam.
To be qualified for the final assessment students must:
-Take part in a minimum of 75% of the formal teaching activities
-Participate in two field trips, and submit and have approved a set of field notes. See syllabus for details.
-Submit and have approved at least 8 reading responses submitted in advance of the class session via Canvas. No reading responses are due the weeks students work on their field notes. You will submit 4 predetermined reading responses for each section (4 on Judaism and 4 on Islam). Reading responses will form the basis of class discussions, and active participation is expected.
-Participate in the in-depth evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.
When course requirements are not fulfilled, this will count as one examination attempt, unless the student withdraws before the set deadline (1. May).
Avsluttende vurdering/eksamen
The final assessment for RL2012 is based on an 4 hour written school exam. The course and final exam will be graded A-F.
- Eksamensdato:
- 26. mai 2025
- Starttidspunkt:
- 09:00
- Varighet:
- 4 timer
- Trekkfrist:
- 1. mai 2025
- Kunngjøringsdato:
- 16. juni 2025
Skriftlig skoleeksamen - Ordinær eksamen
The student has:
The student can:
Overlappende emner
Reduction of Credit points
RL2012 overlaps partly with RL1011 World Religions. Students who have already completed RL1011 will receive 5 credit points (ECTS) for RL2012 on their transcript of records or diploma.
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