- Emnekode: TEOL2650
- Studiepoeng: 10
- Semester: Høst
- Språk: Engelsk
Church in Society - for the transformation of the world TEOL2650
This course is no longer offered. Students who have the right to take or retake the exam in this course can contact the study counselor. Please notice that there will be no formal teaching and no obligatory activities in the course before the extra ordinary exam.
TEOL2650 acknowledge that the mission of the church is not only an invitation to individual transformation, but also an invitation to transform the world. The course will discuss critically the role of the church in the society and at the same time explore how the church in mission might participate in the transformation of social and political structures in order for them to be closer to the ideal of the Kingdom of God is emphasised. The course will investigate how the church in mission have tried and failed to embody the divine ideals of reconciliation, empowerment, justice and reasonable life condition of all people, and ask if the church has learned something from the past that equips for the future. A theology that might help the church in mission to meet the global environmental challenges that might destroy God’s creation will also be examined. THEOL2650 will be in dialogue with social science to get insight to the role the church might have in the society, from that perspective.
Prerequisites: There is no prerequisite, but teol 1610 is a recommended foreknowledge
Om studiet
This course is no longer offered. Students who have the right to take or retake the exam in this course can contact the study counselor. Please notice that there will be no formal teaching and no obligatory activities in the course before the extra ordinary exam.
In order to receive a final assessment the student must:
- Take part in the minimum 60 % of the lectures.
- Submit and receive approval for an essay (1200-1500) words within a fixed deadline.The essay might be a first step towards the essay for the final exam.
- Participate in the in-depth evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.
When course requirements are not fulfilled, this will count as one examination attempt, unless the student withdraws before the set deadline (1November).
Avsluttende vurdering/eksamen
The final assessment of TEOL2650 is an essay of 3500-4000 words. The course and final exam will be assessed by graded A – F.
In order to receive a final assessment, the student must fulfil the course requirement within a fixed deadline
The student has:
- good knowledge about mission as transformation of society
- good knowledge of the reconciling ministry of the church
- knowledge about how structures hinder a reasonable development of local, national and global society
- knowledge of the implication of God’s preferential option for the poor
- knowledge about the mission from the margins
- knowledge of a theology of ecology
The student can:
- understand the concept of holistic mission of the church
- defend the need for empowering people to take control over their own development
- discuss the implication of mission as reconciliation in a multi-cultural and multi-religious context
- participate in a meaningful dialogue on the role of the church facing the environmental challenges today.
- interpret society with a combination of missiology and social science.
Overlappende emner
TEOL2650 does not overlap with other courses.
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