MF CASR lunsjseminarer våren 2022
MF CASR har satt opp planen for lunsj-seminarer for våren 2022.
Bli med oss i MF-biblioteket hver tirsdag for en interessant samtale!
1 februar: Silje Lyngar Einarsen, Haṭhayoga i et nytt lys
8 februar: Christian Bull, The Hermetic Sciences in the Way of Hermes: Worldview and Practices
15 februar: Jorunn Økland, Early Christian Women along the Trade Routes of the Roman Empire
22 februar: Linda Joelsson, Social Systems in Transition: Toward a Higher Level of Diversity in Galatians
1 mars: Sami al-Daghistani, The Polyvalence of Islamic Economic Traditions
8 mars: K. Soraya Batmanghelichi, Revolutionary Bodies: Technologies of Gender, Sex, and Self in Contemporary Iran
15 mars: Tone Stangeland Kaufman and Kristin Graff-Kallevåg, Young People's Theologizing as Ordinary Theology - A Challenge to Academic and Ecclesial Theology?
22 mars: Hanna Tervanotko, Female Figures and Shadow Libraries (co-organized with the Books Known Only by Title project)
29 mars: Hanne Løland Levinson, The Bible in the Dystopian World
5 april: Esther Brownsmith, Boiled Bread and Steamy Metaphors in a Biblical Rape Narrative
12 april: PÅSKEFRI
20 april: Julie Monchamp, Ceramics from the Early Christian period in Egypt
26 april: Terje Emberland, Konspirasjonsteorier – en fare for demokratiet?
3 mai: Audun Toft: Religion i NRK: Medialisering av religionsundervisning 2.0
10 mai: Gard Granerød, The Enigmatic Powerful Word AGLA in Jewish Mystical Texts and Scandinavian Medieval Inscriptions: A Case of Interreligious Borrowing?
24 mai: Victor Ghica, The Archaeology of Fourth-Century Christianity in Egypt and DEChriM’s Work Packages
31 mai: Fredrik Saxegaard, Funeral Logics in a Church of Norway Context: Presenting a Research Project
7 juni: Alexandra Konstantinidou, Digging in the Desert: Some Thoughts on Monastic Archaeology in Egypt
14 juni: Jesse Ophoff, Augustine on the Material Turn: Seeing and Hearing in De doctrina christiana