Professor emeritus i systematisk teologi Jürgen Moltmann (1926-2024) ble kreert æresdoktor ved MF i 2018. Han døde i sitt hjem 3. juni 2024, 98 år gammel.

- Moltmann var den største av sin generasjons teologer, sier MF-rektor Vidar L. Haanes.

Æresdoktorgraden ved MF vitenskapelig høyskole, doctor theologiae honoris causa, er institusjonens høyeste utmerkelse. Den ble tildelt Moltmann for betydningsfull vitenskapelig innsats.

Moltmann oppsummerte selv mye av sitt virke i forelesningen han holdt i forbindelse med æresdoktorgraden ved MF: «Theologies of Hope in 2018: Transforming political theology, justice and liberation from 1968 until the present day».

- Moltmann gav gjennom sine bøker banebrytende bidrag til ulike teologiske temaer, som håp, skapelsesteologi og politisk teologi. Han viste en særskilt følsomhet for samtidens utfordringer, samtidig som han var grundig forankret i bibelsk teologi og teologisk tradisjon, sier Haanes.

MFs presentasjon av Jürgen Moltmann

Denne teksten ble brukt for å presenterte Jürgen Moltmann da han ble kreert æresdoktor ved MF i 2018:

Jürgen Moltmann (born 8 April 1926) is Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology at the University of Tübingen. In the age of 92 he is still active as author and lecturer. During his visit to Norway, MF is celebrating his contributions to church and theology in Europe and worldwide.

Through his “Theology of hope” (1964) he contributed to make the Christian hope a main theme for contemporary theology. His portrait of a “Crucified God” (1972) pictured God as one that suffers with his creatures. Through his subsequent books, Moltmann has given groundbreaking contributions to various theological themes, such as Trinitarian theology, theology of creation, Christology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, eschatology and political theology.

Moltmann has shown a unique sensibility to contemporary questions, at the same time being thoroughly rooted in biblical theology and the theological tradition. Himself a Reformed theologian, he has developed a theology that is fundamentally ecumenically oriented.

Also today his works are read, analyzed and discussed by theological students, teachers and researchers. The insights and perspectives of Moltmann’s theology continue to engage, provoke and inspire young people.