Iselin Frydenlund
- Religionsvitenskap
seksjonsleder RV
- Kontor: 476A
- Telefonnummer: 22590619
Faglige kompetanseområder:
- Buddhisme
- Religion og politikk
- Religion, fred og konflikt
- Religionsantropologi
- Religionsmøter
- Tros- og livssynsfrihet
Emneansvarlig for følgende emner:
- Religion og politikk
Emnekode: SAM2090 - Buddhisme
Emnekode: RL2015
Jeg har doktorgrad i religionshistorie fra Universitetet i Oslo (2011) om buddhisme og vold under Sri Lankas borgerkrig og er spesielt interessert i spørsmål knyttet til religion, krig og fredsbygging, religiøse legitimeringer av vold, selvmordsaksjoner, interreligiøs dialog og tros- og livssynsfrihet.
Mitt forskningsområde er theravadabuddhisme i Sri Lanka og Myanmar, med spesielt fokus på spørsmål om buddhismens forhold til nasjonalisme, politikk og vold. For tiden arbeider jeg med buddhistiske munkers politiske og juridiske engasjement, samt forholdet mellom buddhisme og islam i Sør- og Sørøst-Asia. Jeg studerer religion som et sosialt og kulturelt fenomen og anvender feltarbeid som viktigste metodologiske verktøy.
Jeg har i en årrekke vært tilknyttet Institutt for fredsforskning, PRIO, og har sammen med Buddhistforbundet i Norge vært engasjert i intra-buddhistisk dialogarbeid i Asia, om religiøse minoriteters stilling i buddhistiske majoritetsland. Jeg er opptatt av forskningsformidling og er en ofte brukt kommentator på Myanmar- og Sri Lanka-spørsmål i norske og utenlandske medier, samt spørsmål knyttet til religion og vold.
Utvalgte publikasjoner
- Frydenlund, I. (2019). The rise of religious offence in transitional Myanmar, Outrage: The Rise of Religious Offence in Contemporary South Asia,, s. 77 - 102. UCL Press, ISBN: 9781787355286
- Frydenlund, I. (2018). Tamil Militancy in Sri Lanka and the Role of Religion, Oxford Research Encyclopedias - Religion,, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780199340378
- Frydenlund, I. (2017). ‘Operation Dhamma’: The Sri Lankan Armed Forces as an Instrument of Buddhist Nationalism, Military Chaplaincy in an Era of Religious Pluralism: Military–Religious Nexus in Asia, Europe, and USA,, s. 81 - 103. Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780199470747
- Frydenlund, I. (2017). Religious Liberty for Whom? The Buddhist Politics of Religious Freedom During Myanmar’s Transition to Democracy , Nordic Journal of Human Rights, s. 55 - 73. Nordic Journal of Human Rights, ISSN: 1891-8131
- Frydenlund, I. (2017). Buddhist Militarism Beyond Texts: The Importance of Ritual during the Sri Lankan Civil War, Journal of Religion and Violence, s. 27 - 48. Journal of Religion and Violence, ISSN: 2159-6808
- Frydenlund, I. (2017). "Buddhism has Made Asia Mild" : The Modernist Construction of Buddhism as Pacifism, Buddhist Modernities: Re-inventing Tradition in the Globalizing Modern World,, s. 204 - 221. Routledge, ISBN: 9781138687844
- Frydenlund, I. (2017). The birth of Buddhist politics of religious freedom in Myanmar, Journal of Religious and Political Practice, s. 107 - 121. Journal of Religious and Political Practice, ISSN: 2056-6093
- Frydenlund, I. (2016). Particularist Goals through Universalist Means: The Political Paradoxes of Buddhist Revivalism in Sri Lanka, Buddhism and the Political Process,, s. 97 - 120. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9781137573995
- Frydenlund, I. (2016). Bodu Bala Sena: Army of Buddhist Power, World Religions and Spirituality Project, World Religions and Spirituality Project
- Frydenlund, I. (2013). “Religion, civility and conflict – towards a concept of “critical civility”, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, s. 109 - 124. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, ISSN: 0926-2326
- Frydenlund, I. (2012). Canonical Ambiguity and Differential Practices: Buddhism and Militarism in Contemporary Sri Lanka, Buddhism and Violence. Militarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia,, s. 95 - 119. Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-53696-7
- Frydenlund, S. I. (2005). Hør Her! Du som er fra Norge. Feltarbeidserfaringer fra et konfliktfylt Sri Lanka, Kulturvitenskap i felt. Metodiske og pedagogiske erfaringer,, s. 163 - 183. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget, ISBN: 82-7634-658-8
- Frydenlund, I. (2005). The Sangha and its relations to the Peace Process in Sri Lanka
- Frydenlund, I. (2004). «Buddhaer og bazukaer: motstridende bilder av vold og buddhisme på Sri Lanka», DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, ISSN: 1501-9934
Nyeste vitenskapelige publikasjoner
- Larsson, G. & Frydenlund, I. & Brekke, T. (2024). A Burning Affair : Introducing a Special Issue on the Burning of the Qur’an , Temenos, s. 5 - 26. Temenos, ISSN: 0497-1817
- Frydenlund, I. & Phyo, W. (2024). Revolution or Order? Buddhist Responses to the 2021 Military Coup in Myanmar, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Journal of Contemporary Asia, ISSN: 0047-2336
- Meyer, V. H. & Skovgaard-Petersen, J. & Frydenlund, I. & Larsson, G. (2024). Reflections on the Special Issue: Burning of the Qur’an, Temenos, s. 203 - 223. Temenos, ISSN: 0497-1817
- Frydenlund, I. (2023). The Power of Kataragama: From “Hotspot” to “Cold Spot”?, Numen, s. 70 - 94. Numen, ISSN: 0029-5973
- Frydenlund, I. (2023). Theorizing Buddhist anti-Muslim nationalism as global Islamophobia, Ethnic and Racial Studies, s. 1034 - 1056. Ethnic and Racial Studies, ISSN: 0141-9870
- Ganesh, B. & Frydenlund, I. & Brekke, T. (2023). Flows and modalities of global Islamophobia, Ethnic and Racial Studies, s. 895 - 906. Ethnic and Racial Studies, ISSN: 0141-9870
- McKay, M. & Frydenlund, I. (2022). Buddhist 'Radicalism' - A Vehicle for Female Empowerment?, Laughter, Creativity, and Perseverance : Female Agency in Buddhism and Hinduism,, s. 94 - 119. Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780197603727
- Frydenlund, I. (2022). Buddhist Constitutionalism beyond Constitutional Law: Buddhist Statecraft and Military Ideology in Myanmar, Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law,, s. 198 - 219. Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781009286022
- Frydenlund, I. (2022). Religion: autoritære krefters nye maktspråk?, Kirke og kultur, s. 103 - 112. Kirke og kultur, ISSN: 0023-186X
- Frydenlund, I. & Leidig, E. (2022). Introduction: “Love Jihad”: Sexuality, Reproduction and the Construction of the Predatory Muslim Male, Religions, Religions, ISSN: 2077-1444
- Frydenlund, I. & Mang, P. Z. & Wai, P. & Hayward, S. (2021). Religious Responses to the Military Coup in Myanmar, Review of Faith & International Affairs, s. 77 - 88. Review of Faith & International Affairs, ISSN: 1557-0274
- Frydenlund, I. (2021). Protecting Buddhist Women from Muslim Men: “Love Jihad” and the Rise of Islamophobia in Myanmar, Religions, s. 1 - 21. Religions, ISSN: 2077-1444
- Frydenlund, I. & Jerryson, M. (2020). Buddhist-Muslim Relations in a Theravada World, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-981-32-9883-5
- Jerryson, M. & Frydenlund, I. (2020). Buddhists, Muslims and the Construction of Difference, Buddhist-Muslim Relations in a Theravada World,, s. 263 - 297. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-981-32-9883-5
- Frydenlund, I. & Jerryson, M. (2020). An Introduction: Buddhist-Muslim Relations in a Theravada World, Buddhist-Muslim Relations in a Theravada World,, s. 1 - 21. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-981-32-9883-5
- Frydenlund, I. (2019). Buddhist Islamophobia: Actors. Tropes. Contexts, Handbook of Conspiracy Theory and Contemporary Religion,, s. 279 - 302. Brill Academic Publishers, ISBN: 978-90-04-38150-6
- Frydenlund, I. (2019). Protecting the Sasana through Law: Radical Buddhism and Religious Freedom in Transitional Myanmar, Secularism, Religion, and Democracy in Southeast Asia,, s. 194 - 212. Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780199496693
- Frydenlund, I. (2019). A New Formatting: Myanmar’s 2015 "race and religion laws", Formatting Religion: Across Politics, Education, Media, and Law,, s. 37 - 55. Routledge, ISBN: 9781138599987
- Frydenlund, I. (2019). The rise of religious offence in transitional Myanmar, Outrage: The Rise of Religious Offence in Contemporary South Asia,, s. 77 - 102. UCL Press, ISBN: 9781787355286
- Hayward, S. & Frydenlund, I. (2019). Religion, Secularism, and the Pursuit of Peace in Myanmar, Review of Faith & International Affairs, s. 1 - 11. Review of Faith & International Affairs, ISSN: 1557-0274
- Frydenlund, I. (2018). MaBaTha, World Religions and Spirituality Project, World Religions and Spirituality Project
- Frydenlund, I. (2018). Buddhism and violence: an Oxymoron? Text and tradition in Buddhist Just-War Thinking, The Warrior and the Pacifist. Competing Motifs in Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam,, s. 13 - 35. Routledge, ISBN: 9781138585430
- Frydenlund, I. (2018). Tamil Militancy in Sri Lanka and the Role of Religion, Oxford Research Encyclopedias - Religion,, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780199340378
- Frydenlund, I. (2017). ‘Operation Dhamma’: The Sri Lankan Armed Forces as an Instrument of Buddhist Nationalism, Military Chaplaincy in an Era of Religious Pluralism: Military–Religious Nexus in Asia, Europe, and USA,, s. 81 - 103. Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780199470747
- Frydenlund, I. (2017). Religious Liberty for Whom? The Buddhist Politics of Religious Freedom During Myanmar’s Transition to Democracy , Nordic Journal of Human Rights, s. 55 - 73. Nordic Journal of Human Rights, ISSN: 1891-8131
- Frydenlund, I. (2017). Buddhist Militarism Beyond Texts: The Importance of Ritual during the Sri Lankan Civil War, Journal of Religion and Violence, s. 27 - 48. Journal of Religion and Violence, ISSN: 2159-6808
- Frydenlund, I. (2017). "Buddhism has Made Asia Mild" : The Modernist Construction of Buddhism as Pacifism, Buddhist Modernities: Re-inventing Tradition in the Globalizing Modern World,, s. 204 - 221. Routledge, ISBN: 9781138687844
- Frydenlund, I. (2017). The birth of Buddhist politics of religious freedom in Myanmar, Journal of Religious and Political Practice, s. 107 - 121. Journal of Religious and Political Practice, ISSN: 2056-6093
- Frydenlund, I. (2016). Particularist Goals through Universalist Means: The Political Paradoxes of Buddhist Revivalism in Sri Lanka, Buddhism and the Political Process,, s. 97 - 120. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9781137573995
- Frydenlund, I. (2016). Bodu Bala Sena: Army of Buddhist Power, World Religions and Spirituality Project, World Religions and Spirituality Project
- Frydenlund, I. (2013). The Protection of Dharma and Dharma as Protection: Buddhism and Security across Asia, The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Security,, Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-66744-9
- Frydenlund, I. (2013). “Religion, civility and conflict – towards a concept of “critical civility”, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, s. 109 - 124. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, ISSN: 0926-2326
- Frydenlund, I. (2012). Canonical Ambiguity and Differential Practices: Buddhism and Militarism in Contemporary Sri Lanka, Buddhism and Violence. Militarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia,, s. 95 - 119. Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-53696-7
- Frydenlund, S. I. (2005). Hør Her! Du som er fra Norge. Feltarbeidserfaringer fra et konfliktfylt Sri Lanka, Kulturvitenskap i felt. Metodiske og pedagogiske erfaringer,, s. 163 - 183. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget, ISBN: 82-7634-658-8
- Frydenlund, I. (2004). Buddhaer og bazukaer: motstridende bilder av vold og buddhisme på Sri Lanka [Buddhas and Bazukas: Conflicting Images of Buddhism and Violence in Sri Lanka], Din. Tidsskrift for religion og kultur 1., DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, ISSN: 1501-9934
- Frydenlund, I. (2004). «Buddhaer og bazukaer: motstridende bilder av vold og buddhisme på Sri Lanka», DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, ISSN: 1501-9934
- Frydenlund, I. (2004). ”Krig og buddhisme på Sri Lanka – en motsetning?”, Pacem : militært tidsskrift for etisk og teologisk refleksjon, Pacem : militært tidsskrift for etisk og teologisk refleksjon, ISSN: 1500-2322
Utdanning og praksis
PhD, University of Oslo, History of Religion
1996 - 1997
Post-graduate Studies, London School of Economics
2017 - d.d.
Editorial board, Journal of Religion and Violence
2017 - d.d.
Co-organizer (together with Dr. Jens Borgland) of the Nordic Network for Buddhist Studies
2017 - d.d.
Academic advisor, NORPART Myanmar project at MF
2016 - d.d.
Member, Scientific Board, MF
Norwegian representative to the Domain Committee of Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health (ISCH) in COST (EU)
Member of external board, co-operation between PRIO and Indian Defense Studies and Analysis (IDSA).
Institute board member, IKOS, University of Oslo
Steering Board Member, Asianettverket (Network for Asia studies in Norway).
Elected National Leader of The Norwegian Solidarity Committee for Latin America (Latin-Amerikagruppene i Norge (LAG)