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- Sted: AUD 2 and Zoom
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Title: "From Persian to Ptolemaic translation practices in the Septuagint"
Jim Aitken is Professor at the University of Cambridge. Professor Aitken’s interests lie in the text and language of the Hebrew Bible, and the literature and history of ancient Judaism. A particular area of research currently is the Greek version of the Bible (the Septuagint), including its language, exegesis, and place within second temple Jewish society.
Jointly sponsored by PERSIAS, MOVE, and MF CASR.
Location: AUD 2 or online. Open to all. Zoom link: https://mf-no.zoom.us/j/69290034948?pwd=c2ZkczVPTTJBeklXdnhZb3drV205UT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 692 9003 4948
Zoom Passcode: 425459