- Emnekode: SAM1210
- Studiepoeng: 10
- Semester: Vår
- Språk: Engelsk
Introduction to the Social Sciences SAM1210
This course is no longer offered. Students who have the right to take or retake the exam in this course can contact the study counselor. Please notice that there will be no formal teaching and no obligatory activities in the course before the extra ordinary exam.
The course introduces students to the social sciences, with emphasis on the basic concepts, methods and theoretical orientations characteristic to sociology. Sociology explores the minute aspects of social life, as well as global social processes and structures, and it situates peoples' lives in broader social contexts by understanding how political, economic and cultural forces constitute social life. A wide range of topics are covered in the course, including economy, globalization and social change, work, ethnicity and migration, religion, environment, media, gender and sexuality, education, social stratification and governance. The course aims at making the students familiar with contemporary sociology and its historical roots, and to stimulate critical and logical thinking concerning explanations of society, social interactions, organizations and institutions.
Modes of teaching and learning activities:
Group assignments
Essay writing
The course is a core subject in the study program Bachelor in Theology, Religion and Society.
Om studiet
This course is no longer offered. Students who have the right to take or retake the exam in this course can contact the study counselor. Please notice that there will be no formal teaching and no obligatory activities in the course before the extra ordinary exam.
The student will:
- submit and get approved an essay of 1200-1500 words on a subject covered in the course.
- attend at least 60 percent of the lectures.
- participate in the in-depth evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.
When course requirements are not fulfilled, this will count as one examination attempt, unless the student withdraws before the set deadline (1 May).
Avsluttende vurdering/eksamen
The final assessment for this course is based on a 4-hour written school exam. The course and final exam will be graded A-F.
In order to receive a final assessment, the students must fulfill the course requirements within the set deadlines.
Examination support material permitted on the exam: List F2. Link to overview over support material lists: https://www2.mf.no/dokumenter/studier/eksamen/hjelpemidler_eksamen.pdf
- Eksamensdato:
- 16. mai 2025
- Starttidspunkt:
- 09:00
- Varighet:
- 4 timer
- Trekkfrist:
- 1. mai 2025
- Kunngjøringsdato:
- 6. juni 2025
Skriftlig skoleeksamen - Ordinær eksamen
The student has:
- good knowledge of basic theoretical perspectives in sociology, and how they can help explain and interpret social phenomena.
- good knowledge of the sociology of education, social class and governance in various political and historical contexts.
- knowledge of central topics and challenges associated with economy, globalization and social change.
- knowledge of social aspects of ethnicity, migration and religion in the world.
- knowledge of the role of media in modern society.
The student can:
- answer a given problem statement in an analytical and comprehensive manner, relating to sociological theory.
- give scientifically grounded arguments in discussions around social issues.
- use central concepts and theories in sociology to explain social phenomena.
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