Fridtjof Willem Leemhuis
- Studier av antikken og tidlig kristendom
- Kontor: 427
- Telefonnummer: 22590545
Faglige kompetanseområder:
- Manuskriptstudier
- Religionshistorie
Emneansvarlig for følgende emner:
- Introduction to the Social Sciences
Emnekode: SAM1210 - Genocide and Religion
Emnekode: SAM2230
In my doctoral thesis, I research the recurring spatial movement of Codex Sinaiticus in its modern history (1844-2020) by concentrating on the narratives and performances accompanying the manuscript’s movements. Furthermore, I look look at the context of the movements, and how the codex’s cultural authority becomes visible in the sociocultural, ideological, and theological reception of the iconic artifact.
Utdanning og praksis
2019 - 2021
M.Phil (History of Religions)
2002 - 2006
M.Div (Theology)