Zoom registration is live for the 4–6 May conference, "Tales of Discovery, Provenance and Goats Gone Missing: Dead Sea Scrolls and the Media." This conference will broaden the discussions surrounding the media history of the Dead Sea Scrolls, religious journalism/journalism on religion, public scholarship and media ethics—with a particular focus on media dissemination of find- and provenance narratives, as well as reporting on manuscript forgeries. The conference is organized by the Lying Pen of Scribes project and chaired by Dana Ryan Lande and Liv Ingeborg Lied.

Register free at bit.ly/TalesOfDiscovery.

Conference schedule:

All times in CET (Norwegian time).

Wednesday 4 May

15:00 Welcome

15:10-16:00 Keynote 1, Jodi Magness, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Reflections on the State of the Field and Media Engagement

16-16:15 Short Break

16:15-16:45 Tupá Guerra, Universidade de Brasília

Between Indiana Jones and Neon Genesis Evangelion: the challenges of building public scholarship on the Dead Sea Scrolls

16:45- 17:15 Francis Borchardt, NLA University College

The “Conquest" of the Temple Scroll and the Creation of the Scholarly Object

17:15-17:30 Short Break

17:30-18:20 Keynote 2, Anne Kreps, University of Oregon

American Scriptures: The Dead Sea Scrolls in Modern Religious Communities

Thursday 5 May

15:00 Welcome

15:10-16:00 Keynote 3, Mia Lövheim, Uppsala University

Mediatization of religion: frames of news and entertainment in reporting on the Dead Sea Scrolls

16-16:15 Short Break

16:15-16:45 Ingrid B. Gimse, University of Agder

Tale as old as time: Discovery and Provenance in Dead Sea Scrolls publications

16:45-17:15 Dana Ryan Lande, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion, and Society

Edmund Wilson and the Narrative Beginnings of Dead Sea Scroll Reporting

17:15-17:30 Short Break

17:30-18:20 Keynote 4, Nikolaj Melamed Kleivan and Anders Firing Lunde, Morgenbladet

How to convince your editors to forget Tintin: Experiences of two journalists covering the fake fragments

Friday 6 May

15:00 Welcome

15:10-16:00 Keynote 5, Matthew Collins, University of Chester, UK

The Sensational and the Simplistic: Rewriting the Story of the Scrolls in Adult and Children’s Media

16-16:15 Short Break

16:15-16:45 Hanna Liljefors, Uppsala University

A mediatized Bible? Discourses about “the Old Testament” in Swedish media debates 1985-2017.

16:45-17:00 Concluding Remarks
