MF Lab for Manuscript Studies and Digital Research (MF L-MaSDR)
MF L-MaSDR is a research lab that aims to provide cutting-edge tools of digital humanities and training to support the study of ancient manuscripts. The project develops digital and computational solutions for various aspects of manuscript studies.
News from MF L-MaSDR
A New Collaboration with MF L-MaSDR
A New Collaboration with MF L-MaSDR
MF L-MaSDR is delighted learn that the lab’s Research Associate Dr. Dan Batovici has won the €1.2M FWF START 2024 Award by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
Bli kjent med MFs lab for digital humaniora
Bli kjent med MFs lab for digital humaniora
Bli kjent med MFs Digital Humanities Lab, etablert i desember 2023, som tilbyr toppmoderne verktøy og opplæring for studiet av gamle manuskripter.
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