- Emnekode: MET-HIS910
- Studiepoeng: 5
- Språk: Engelsk
Historical and Exegetical Methods: Text, Materiality, Context MET-HIS910
MET-HIS910 is an elective course. Its main objective is a broad orientation in current methodological paradigms, their possibilities, and presuppositions within historical and exegetical fields of study to enable the doctoral student to substantiate and argue for their own methodological and theoretical thesis design. The course allows doctoral students to apply theoretical and methodological insights from published research to creative work with their PhD projects. The PhD student shall also be able to reflect on the sociology of research connected to the discipline(s).
- lectures
- discussion
- panels/workgroups
Each seminar is normally three days' length, approximately 6 hours per day.
Om studiet
The student will
- attend the course seminar (min. 75 %)
- submit a draft (1000-1500 words) for a course paper before the course
- submit min. four questions on the background of the work with the course paper
- respond to the paper and questions of one fellow PhD student
- submit a final version of the course paper (2000-2500 words) within three weeks after the course
- participate in the evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term
Avsluttende vurdering/eksamen
The final assessment for this course is based on fulfilling all course requirements. The course is graded 'passed'/'not passed'.
The candidate has
- advanced knowledge of theories and methods connected to materiality, text and context
- advanced knowledge of the textual and contextual implications and the importance of materiality for historical and exegetical studies.
The candidate can
- discuss how common historical and literary/exegetical problems, challenges, methods, working processes, and theoretical perspectives can be shaped in the light of, e.g. materiality and (con-)text.
- demonstrate how different aspects of historical/exegetical methods influence a project and the narrative on history/exegetics.
General competence
The candidate can
- identify relevant issues in historical/exegetical studies and conduct their research with scholarly integrity.
- communicate research on historical/exegetical studies through recognised Norwegian and
international channels
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