- Emnekode: RL5120
- Studiepoeng: 10
- Semester: Høst
- Språk: Engelsk
Religion and Empire RL5120
How have empires formed - and still continue to form - religion? In RL5120 the students will learn about how religion was managed in empires like the Ottoman Empire, the British Empire and East Asian empires such as China and Japan. Following a comprehensive theoretical survey of the concepts of "empire", "colonialism", "imperialism", and "religion", the course will analyse and explore imperial and colonial policies of religion. Students will be introduced to the politics of knowledge production about life of the governed peoples within the colonies, and they will learn about the politics of religious, ethnic and cultural differences. Attention will also be paid to various aspects of lived religious lives, co-existence and boundary transgression within empires. Finally, the course will introduce students to anti-colonial ideologies and resistance to empire.
The course consists of lectures and seminars.
Om studiet
In order to receive a final assessment, the student must:
- actively participate in minimum 75% of the teaching
- write an essay (1200-1500 words) discussing one particular empire and its policies on religion
- participate in the in-depth evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term
When course requirements are not fulfilled, this will count as one examination attempt, unless the student withdraws before the set deadline (1 May/November).
Avsluttende vurdering/eksamen
The final assessment of RL5120 Religion and Empire is a written school exam (4 hours). The course and final exam will be assessed by grades A - F.
To gain credits for the course the student must fulfill the course requirements.
The student has
- advanced knowledge of one particular empire and its policies of religion
- good knowledge of relevant theoretical approaches to empires and colonialism
- good knowledge of religious boundary transgression and resistance to empire and colonialism.
The student can:
- discuss relevant theories of empire, colonialism and imperialism
- compare religion and empire across time and space
- discuss in detail one particular case study of empire and religion
Overlappende emner
The course has no credit reduction to other courses.
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