- Emnekode: SAM5015
- Studiepoeng: 10
- Semester: Vår
- Språk: Engelsk
Queer and Feminist Issues in the Study of Religion SAM5015
This course grapples with two sets of questions. How are religious texts and practices used to consolidate or challenge gender norms? This means reading research emerging from queer and feminist movements in various religious communities from the past 50 years. We also ask: What kind of new methods and approaches have queer and feminist scholars of religion developed? What sort of research is being done across regions and religions using these methods today?
Students will be equipped with fundamental theoretical resources for thinking about gender, sexuality and feminism, examining foundational texts of feminist and queer theory, in order to advance their analytical abilities from popular to academic usage.
Students will explore the leading thinkers on queer and feminist issues in the study of religion today, with special attention given to methodological advances and the expansion of the discussion to include masculinity, intersectionality, and diverse gender identities. Examples of how queer and feminist methodologies are being applied to contemporary research on religion will be examined and critiqued.
Om studiet
In order to receive a final assessment, the student must:
- Take an active part in at least 75% of class sessions.
- Have approved a portfolio of home exercises to be submitted after each thematic block.
- Participate in the in-depth evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.
When course requirements are not fulfilled, this will count as one examination attempt, unless the student withdraws before the set deadline.
Avsluttende vurdering/eksamen
Final assessment is an essay of 3500-4500 words. The course and final exam will be assessed by grades A - F. To receive a final assessment the student must fulfil all course requirements listed above.
- Innleveringsdato:
- 16. mai 2025
- Innleveringsfrist:
- 12:00
- Trekkfrist:
- 1. mai 2025
- Kunngjøringsdato:
- 6. juni 2025
Individuell skriftlig oppgave - Ekstraordinær eksamen
The student has
- Advanced knowledge of key concepts in the academic study of gender
- Advanced knowledge of the interactions of gender and religion
- Advanced knowledge of methodological and theoretical issues in the study of religion originating in feminist theory, queer theory and gender studies.
- Good knowledge of the history of feminist and queer critique of religion
- Good knowledge of current leading thinkers engaged with queer and feminist and approaches to religion.
- Knowledge of contemporary qualitative research on gender and religion
- Knowledge of ethical problems connected to research on gender, sexuality and religion.
The student can
- Use the relevant academic terminology accurately and precisely and differentiate it from popular usage.
- Differentiate between academic and confessional discourse on the subject matter.
- Critically engage with readings through well-prepared and structured discussion.
- Compare, connect or contrast thinkers whose works are read in the course of the class.
- Recognize and articulate how different theorists of gender and feminist scholars have engaged with and built on one another’s work over time.
- Write a thoroughly-researched and well-structured essay based on one or more authors or concepts surveyed in the course of the class.
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