- Emnekode: TEOL1715
- Studiepoeng: 10
- Semester: Høst
- Språk: Engelsk
Introduction to the Bible TEOL1715
This course is no longer offered. Students who have the right to take or retake the exam in this course can contact the study counselor. Please notice that there will be no formal teaching and no obligatory activities in the course before the extra ordinary exam.
This course provides a basic introduction to the Old and New Testaments in their historical setting as well as the development of the text and the canon of the Bible.
The course is divided in two parts:
Part A provides an introduction to working with the Old Testament from a historical critical perspective. This will cover the development of the text and canon, and The Old Testament in its historical context. Perspectives related to the use and interpretation of the Bible will be discussed as well as the historical setting of the Old Testament and the importance of working historically with Old Testament texts.
Part B provides an introduction to the New Testament, focusing on the development of the text and canon, and the historical setting and contents of a selection of New Testament books.
Om studiet
This course is no longer offered. Students who have the right to take or retake the exam in this course can contact the study counselor. Please notice that there will be no formal teaching and no obligatory activities in the course before the extra ordinary exam.
In order to receive a final assessment, the student must:
- Take part in a minimum of 60% of the lectures.
- Complete all of the weekly assignments in Canvas within the given deadlines, with a minimum score of 75% correct in total (see the syllabus for details.
- Participate in the electronic evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.
- When course requirements are not fulfilled, this will count as one examination attempt, unless the student withdraws before the set deadline (1 May/November).
Avsluttende vurdering/eksamen
The final assessment for this course is based on one written school exam (4 hours). In order to receive a final assessment, the student must fulfill the course requirements within the fixed deadline. The course and final exam will be graded A-F.
Examination support material permitted on the exam: List F3. Link to overview over support material lists: https://www2.mf.no/dokumenter/studier/eksamen/hjelpemidler_eksamen.pdf
The student can:
- situate biblical texts historically
- discuss the importance of the historical context of different biblical texts
- reflect critically about difference conceptions of the Bible as the Word of God.
- express a hermeneutical awareness of the fact that Biblical texts are historically situated.
Part A: Introduction to the Old Testament
The student has:
- knowledge of the academic study of the Old Testament.
- knowledge of the different genres of the books of the Old Testament
- an overview of the textual history of the Old Testament.
- an overview of the development of the Old Testament Canon.
- an overview of the structure and contents of the Old Testament.
Part B: Introduction to the New Testament
The student has:
- knowledge of the academic study of the New Testament.
- knowledge of the development of the Gospels and the Synoptic Problem.
- knowledge of the historical settings of the different Synoptic Gospels.
- an overview of the textual history of the New Testament.
- an overview of the development of the New Testament canon.
- an overview of central characteristics of the Acts of the Apostles.
- an overview of central themes in the Epistles and their relevance for the church today
Overlappende emner
TEOL1715 overlaps completely with K1010 Bible studies and TEOL1010 The bible. Students who have already completed K1010 and TEOL1010 will receive 0 credit points (ECTS) for TEOL1715 on their transcript of records or diploma.
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