Ingrid Storm
- Sosiologi
Avdelingsleder, Religion, skole og samfunn
- Kontor: 328
- Telefonnummer: 22590668
Faglige kompetanseområder:
- Kvantitativ metode
- Religionssosiologi
- Religiøs endring
- Sosial identitet
- Sosiale holdninger og verdier
- Sosiologi
- Spørreundersøkelser
Emneansvarlig for følgende emner:
- Religion og samfunn i Europa og USA
Emnekode: SAM2070 - Global Perspectives on Religion and Society
Emnekode: SAM2075 - Metode for bachelorstudenter
Emnekode: MET2000
Jeg er professor i sosiologi, med vekt på religion og samfunn. Mine hovedinteresser er innen religiøs endring og hvordan religion påvirker sosiale holdninger og adferd. Jeg er også interessert i forholdet mellom usikkerhet og religiøs identitet. I forskningen min bruker jeg hovedsaklig kvantitative metoder med data fra store spørreundersøkelser, og jeg har undervist i metode på både Bachelor- og Master-nivå. Jeg arbeidet nylig på et internasjonalt EU-finansiert prosjekt om ulikhet og ungdomsradikalisering, og fullførte et treårig British Academy postdoktor-prosjekt om forholdet mellom økonomisk usikkerhet og religion i Europa. Jeg begynte å jobbe på MF i desember 2022, og arbeidet tidligere i Storbritannia, ved University of Birmingham, og University of Manchester. Jeg underviser i grunnleggende samfunnsvitenskapelig teori og metode, i tillegg til mer spesialiserte religionssosiologiske emner. Jeg er også avdelingsleder for avdeling for Religion, Skole og Samfunn, og programleder for BA Samfunn, Politikk og Religion.
Nyeste vitenskapelige publikasjoner
- Storm, I. (2024). Reactive religiosity? The longitudinal relationship between ethnic harassment, religious identity and wellbeing in the UK, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, ISSN: 0141-9870
- Pavlovic, T. & Storm, I. & Franc, R. (2024). Group relative deprivation and different forms of political actions: The role of the target outgroup, European Journal of Political Research, European Journal of Political Research, ISSN: 0304-4130
- Voas, D. & Storm, I. (2021). National Context, Parental Socialization and the Varying Relationship Between Religious Belief and Practice, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, s. 189 - 197. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, ISSN: 0021-8294
- Voas, D. & Storm, I. (2021). The Transmission of Religious Values, Reflections on European Values: Honouring Loek Halman's Contribution to the European Values Study,, s. 166 - 177. ISBN: 9789403658773
- Storm, I. & Rutjens, B. T. & van Harreveld, F. (2020). Personal experience or cultural tradition: the difference between Christian identity in the Netherlands and Denmark, Religion, Brain and Behavior, s. 428 - 443. Religion, Brain and Behavior, ISSN: 2153-599X
- Pavlovic, T. & Storm, I. (2020). Machiavellianism, Islamism, and Deprivations as Predictors of Support for Daesh Among Muslims, International Review of Social Psychology, International Review of Social Psychology
- Storm, I. (2019). Interrelations between Social Capital and Religion, Individualisation, marketisation and social capital in a cultural institution: the case of the Danish Folk Church,, s. 273 - 291. Syddansk Universitetsforlag, ISBN: 978-87-408-3232-7
- Storm, I. (2018). When does religiosity matter for attitudes to immigration? The impact of economic insecurity and religious norms in Europe, European Societies, s. 595 - 620. European Societies, ISSN: 1461-6696
- Storm, I. (2017). Does security increase secularity? Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey on the relationship between income and religious service attendance, Journal of Religion in Europe, s. 328 - 349. Journal of Religion in Europe, ISSN: 1874-8910
- Storm, I. (2017). Does economic insecurity predict religiosity? Evidence from the European Social Survey 2002-2014, Sociology of religion, s. 146 - 172. Sociology of religion, ISSN: 1069-4404
- Storm, I. & Sobolewska, M. & Ford, R. (2017). Is ethnic prejudice declining in Britain? Change in social distance among ethnic majority and minority Britons. , British Journal of Sociology, s. 410 - 434. British Journal of Sociology, ISSN: 0007-1315
- Storm, I. (2016). Morality in Context: A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship between Religion and Values in Europe. , Politics and Religion, s. 111 - 138. Politics and Religion, ISSN: 1755-0483
- Storm, I. (2015). Civic Engagement in Britain: The Role of Religion and Inclusive Values, European Sociological Review, s. 14 - 29. European Sociological Review, ISSN: 0266-7215
- Storm, I. (2015). Religion, inclusive individualism and volunteering in Europe, Journal of Contemporary Religion, s. 213 - 229. Journal of Contemporary Religion, ISSN: 1353-7903
- Bakken, P. & Storm, I. (2013). Academic Drift and Diversity: Institutional Dynamics in Norwegian Higher Education, Resilient universities : confronting changes in a challenging world,, s. 262 - 282. Peter Lang Publishing Group, ISBN: 978-3-0343-1716-0
- Voas, D. & McAndrew, S. & Storm, I. (2013). Modernisation and the gender gap in religiosity: Evidence from cross-national European surveys, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, s. 259 - 283. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, ISSN: 0023-2653
- Purdam, K. & Storm, I. (2013). Secular Values, Religious Beliefs and Civic Life, Religion and Civil Society in Europe,, s. 146 - 167. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., ISBN: 978-94-007-6815-4
- Storm, I. (2013). “Christianity is not just about religion” Religious and National identities in a Northern English town, Secularism and Nonreligion, s. 21 - 38. Secularism and Nonreligion, ISSN: 2053-6712
- Voas, D. & Storm, I. (2012). The Inter-generational Transmission of Churchgoing in England and Australia, Review of religious research, s. 377 - 399. Review of religious research, ISSN: 0034-673X
- Storm, I. & Voas, D. (2012). The Intergenerational Transmisison of Religious Service Attendance, Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, s. 19 - 38. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, ISSN: 0809-7291
- Storm, I. (2012). Säkulares Christentum als nationale Identität: Religion und Anti-Immigrationseinstellungen in vier westeuropäischen Ländern, Religiöser Pluralismus im Fokus quantitativer Religionsforschung,, s. 331 - 369. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-531-18696-2
- Storm, I. (2011). Ethnic Nominalism and Civic Religiosity: Christianity and National Identity in Britain, Sociological Review, s. 828 - 846. Sociological Review, ISSN: 0038-0261
- Storm, I. (2011). “Christian nations”? Ethnic Christianity and Anti-immigration Attitudes in four Western European Countries, Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, s. 75 - 96. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, ISSN: 0809-7291
- Storm, I. (2009). Halfway to Heaven: Four Types of Fuzzy Fidelity in Europe, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, s. 702 - 718. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, ISSN: 0021-8294
- Storm, I. & Wilson, D. S. (2009). Liberal and Conservative Protestant Denominations as Different Socioecological Strategies, Human Nature. An interdisciplinary biosocial perspective, s. 1 - 24. Human Nature. An interdisciplinary biosocial perspective, ISSN: 1045-6767
Utdanning og praksis
2018 - 2022
Birmingham Fellow (Lecturer and Researcher), University of Birmingham
2015 - 2017
British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research, University of Manchester
Research Associate, Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE), Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research, University of Manchester
2012 - 2014
Research Associate, Religious and Secular Morality in Europe, Institute for Social Change, University of Manchester
2011 - 2012
Rådgiver, Avdeling for evaluering og analyse, NOKUT
2008 - 2011
PhD Social Change, University of Manchester
2007 - 2008
MSc Social Research Methods and Statistics, University of Manchester
2005 - 2007
MA Anthropology, Binghamton University (State University of New York)
2002 - 2005
BA Religionshistorie, Universitetet i Oslo
2024 - d.d.
Deputy Council Member, Nordic Association for the Sociology of Religion
2021 - d.d.
Council Member, SCORE (The Social Consequences of Religion) Initiative
2020 - 2022
Council Member, International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR).
2012 - 2017
British correspondent for EUREL network of sociological and legal information on religion in Europe