Marion Grau
- Systematisk teologi, missiologi og økumenikk
- Kontor: 332
- Telefonnummer: 22590554
Faglige kompetanseområder:
- Konstruktiv teologi
- Systematisk teologi
Emneansvarlig for følgende emner:
- Åpenbaring, trinitet og inkarnasjon
Emnekode: TEOL5410
Jeg er teolog og jobber med klassiske økumeniske tradisjoner. Mine forskningsinteresser er tilknyttet spørsmål om frelse: økonomiske strukturer og frelsesmetaforikk, misjonshistorie og spenningen mellom koloniale og lokale teologier, og en postkolonial tilnærming til hermeneutikk. For de neste ti årene har jeg valgt å fokusere forskningen på temaer relatert til klimaendring, energiomstilling, klimapsykologi, og av petrokultur og en kritisk lesning av fortellinger om oljens fortreffelighet i norsk kultur. Jeg jobber med en sammensatt metodologi som inkluderer historisk tekstlesning, hellige tekster, litteraturvitenskap, post- og dekolonial teori, etnografi, kulturelle og ritual studier, og kritiske teorier om kjønn, rase og klasse.
Jeg jobber med en konstruktiv teologisk metode som engasjerer røttene av den kristne og andre religiøse tradisjoner. Disse rekonstrueres ved hjelp av flere tverrfaglige metoder. Mine publikasjoner har vært fokusert på relasjonen mellom teologi og økonomi, kolonialisme og misjon, økologi, og teologisk hermeneutikk. Les en artikkel om min forskning.
Nyeste vitenskapelige publikasjoner
- Grau, M. (2025). Beyond “Hope”: Constructive Anger as a Force in Sustained Climate Action, Pastoral Psychology, Pastoral Psychology, ISSN: 0031-2789
- Grau, M. (2024). Regifting the Divine Economy: Transitioning Petroleum-based Energy Regimes, Assembling Futures: Economy, Ecology, Democracy, And Religion,, s. 46 - 63. Fordham University Press, ISBN: 9781531506551
- Grau, M. & Sjöberg, L. M. (2024). Fish, Fetishization, and Faith in the Arctic Ocean, Religions, Religions, ISSN: 2077-1444
- Grau, M. (2023). Ritualizing Climate Grief: Exploring Protests, Civil Disobedience, and Climate Liturgies , Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, s. 47 - 62. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, ISSN: 0926-2326
- Grau, M. (2023). “State of happiness”? Petroreligion and petromelancholia in Norway, Dialog, s. 173 - 183. Dialog, ISSN: 0012-2033
- Grau, M. (2022). Notizen zu einer postkolonialen theologischen Ethik des Multidirektionalen Erinnerns, Theologische Quartalsschrift, s. 187 - 205. Theologische Quartalsschrift, ISSN: 0342-1430
- Grau, M. (2021). Postkoloniale Theologie als Ortsbestimmung: Religion, Land, Macht und Mission, Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum, Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum, ISSN: 1439-4634
- Grau, M. (2021). Pilgrimage, Landscape, & Identity: Reconstructing Sacred Geographies in Norway, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780197598634
- Grau, M. (2021). Pondering theological metaphoricity in Devin Singh’s divine currency and beyond, Critical Research on Religion (CRR), s. 94 - 97. Critical Research on Religion (CRR), ISSN: 2050-3032
- Grau, M. (2020). Affective Communitas and sacred geography : mapping place and movement in Norwegian pilgrimage, Ritual and democracy : protests, publics and performances ,, s. 67 - 92. Equinox Publishing, ISBN: 9781781799758
- Grau, M. (2020). Methodological themes and patterns in constructive theologies, What is constructive theology? : histories, methodologies, and perspectives,, s. 53 - 73. Bloomsbury T&T Clark, ISBN: 9780567695154
- Grau, M. & Wyman, J. (2020). What is constructive theology? : histories, methodologies, and perspectives, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, ISBN: 9780567695154
- Grau, M. (2019). Political hagiographies sainthood, ethnocentrism, and the fallacies of identity, Louvain Studies, s. 265 - 287. Louvain Studies, ISSN: 0024-6964
- Grau, M. (2018). Bonifatius, Christus und die Axt am Baum. Ein Beitrag zur Soteriologie in postkolonialer Perspektive, Postkoloniale Theologien II : Perspektiven aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum,, s. 242 - 255. W. Kohlhammer GmbH, ISBN: 978-3-17-032571-5
- Grau, M. (2018). From Refiner's Fire to Refinery Fires : Reflections on the Combustive Element of Fire, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Nature : the Elements,, s. 159 - 171. Bloomsbury Academic, ISBN: 9781350046825
- Grau, M. (2018). The revelations of global climate change : a petro-eschatology, Eschatology as imagining the end - Faith between hope and despair,, s. 45 - 60. Routledge, ISBN: 978-1-138-48136-7
- Grau, M. (2018). Postcolonial Contributions to Intercultural Theologies and Interreligious Relations, Shifting Locations and Reshaping Methods : Methodological Challenges Arising from New Fields of Research in Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies,, s. 37 - 52. LIT Verlag, ISBN: 9783643910226
- Carbine, R. P. & Compier, D. & Farley, W. & Grau, M. & Jensen, D. H. & Fulkerson, M. M. (2016). Ways of World-Making, Awake to the Moment : an introduction to theology,, s. 105 - 173. Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN: 9780664261887
- Grau, M. (2016). Considering Hermeneutics, Method, and Cultural Diversity in Anglican and Episcopal Contexts, The Oxford Handbook of Anglican Studies,, s. 176 - 189. Oxford University Press, ISBN: 978-0-19-921856-1
- Grau, M. (2015). Interpreting Power: Rethinking the Relationship between Mythos and Logos as Prolegomena to an Intercultural Theological Hermeneutics, Renegotiating Power, Theology, and Politics,, s. 129 - 149. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-1-137-54865-8
- Grau, M. (2014). Refiguring theological hermeneutics : Hermes, trickster, fool, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9781137326850
- Grau, M. (2013). Göttlicher Handel : eine postkoloniale Christologie für die Zeiten des neokolonialen Empires, Postkoloniale Theologien : Bibelhermeneutische und kulturwissenschaftliche Beiträge,, s. 300 - 322. W. Kohlhammer GmbH, ISBN: 9783170225527
- Grau, M. (2011). Rethinking Mission in the Postcolony: Salvation, Society, and Subversion, Continuum, ISBN: 9780567470157
- Grau, M. (2004). Of Divine Economy: Refinancing Redemption, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, ISBN: 0567027406
Utdanning og praksis
2015 - d.d.
Professor, Systematisk teologi og missiologi, Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet
2006 - 2015
Associate Professor of Theology, CDSP/Graduate Theological Union, USA
2001 - 2006
Assistant Professor of Theology, CDSP/Graduate Theological Union, USA
Ph.D. Theological and Religious Studies, Drew University, USA
Erstes Staatsexamen Ev. Theologie und Englisch, Universität Tübingen
2015 - d.d.
Editorial committee Norsk missiologisk tidsskrift
2015 - d.d.
Editorial committee Global Christianity Studies
2014 - d.d.
Co-chair, AAR Group Bible, Theology, and Postmodernity
2012 - d.d.
Member of the Appointments and Review Committee advising the Academic Dean of the Graduate Theological Union
2009 - 2015
CDSP Representative on the GTU Library Committee, Fall
2009 - d.d.
Area Convenor of the Systematic and Philosophical Theology Doctoral Area, Graduate Theological Union, Fall Spring
2006 - d.d.
Chair of the Women’s Studies in Religion Program Steering Committee, Fall Fall
2005 - 2007
Member of the Faculty Council of the GTU, Spring (Advises the Academic Dean of the GTU)
2005 - d.d.
Member of the GTU Board of Trustees, Management and Finance Committee, Fall Fall
2004 - 2015
Member of the Interdisciplinary Studies Area Faculty
2004 - 2015
Member of the Core Doctoral Faculty, Gradutate Theological Union
2001 - 2015
Member of the Systematic and Philosophical Theology Area Consortial Faculty
2001 - d.d.
Member, Society of Anglican and Lutheran, Theology
1997 - d.d.
Member, Society of Biblical Literature
1997 - d.d.
Member, American Academy of Religion
Member, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Religionsphilosophie
Member, European Society for Women in Theology and Religion – ESWTR
Member, The European Society for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies - ESITIS
Member, Yale-Edinburgh Group on the History of the Missionary Movement and World Christianity
Member, Constructive Theology Group