Marion Grau
- Systematic Theology, Ecumenism, and Missiology
- Office: 332
- Phone number: 22590554
Professional competence areas:
- Constructive Theology
- Systematic Theology
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Revelation, Trinity and Incarnation
Subject code: TEOL5410
I am a theologian working with the resources of ecumenical Christian traditions. My research interests are questions of salvation, liberation, and transformation: economic structures and metaphors of salvation, mission between colonial and indigenous theologies, a postcolonial hermeneutics, reconstructing pilgrimage, and most recently climate justice.
For the decade of 2022 to 2032, I am focusing my research and teaching on the climate crisis; more specifically theology and climate justice, theories of climate action, climate psychology, and energy transition.
Current research: critical readings of Norwegian, US, and Canadian Petrocultures within the 'Translatability of Oil' project funded by the Norwegian Research Council; and a research grant to work on climate psychology, climate action and political psychology at the Center for Theological Inquriy in Princeton, USA in 2023 and 2024.
I work using a constructive theological method which focuses on engaging the roots of Christian and other religious traditions, with the help of several interdisciplinary methods.
Latest academic publications
- Grau, M. (2025). Beyond “Hope”: Constructive Anger as a Force in Sustained Climate Action, Pastoral Psychology, Pastoral Psychology, ISSN: 0031-2789
- Grau, M. (2024). Regifting the Divine Economy: Transitioning Petroleum-based Energy Regimes, Assembling Futures: Economy, Ecology, Democracy, And Religion,, s. 46 - 63. Fordham University Press, ISBN: 9781531506551
- Grau, M. & Sjöberg, L. M. (2024). Fish, Fetishization, and Faith in the Arctic Ocean, Religions, Religions, ISSN: 2077-1444
- Grau, M. (2023). Ritualizing Climate Grief: Exploring Protests, Civil Disobedience, and Climate Liturgies , Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, s. 47 - 62. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, ISSN: 0926-2326
- Grau, M. (2023). “State of happiness”? Petroreligion and petromelancholia in Norway, Dialog, s. 173 - 183. Dialog, ISSN: 0012-2033
- Grau, M. (2022). Notizen zu einer postkolonialen theologischen Ethik des Multidirektionalen Erinnerns, Theologische Quartalsschrift, s. 187 - 205. Theologische Quartalsschrift, ISSN: 0342-1430
- Grau, M. (2021). Postkoloniale Theologie als Ortsbestimmung: Religion, Land, Macht und Mission, Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum, Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum, ISSN: 1439-4634
- Grau, M. (2021). Pilgrimage, Landscape, & Identity: Reconstructing Sacred Geographies in Norway, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780197598634
- Grau, M. (2021). Pondering theological metaphoricity in Devin Singh’s divine currency and beyond, Critical Research on Religion (CRR), s. 94 - 97. Critical Research on Religion (CRR), ISSN: 2050-3032
- Grau, M. (2020). Affective Communitas and sacred geography : mapping place and movement in Norwegian pilgrimage, Ritual and democracy : protests, publics and performances ,, s. 67 - 92. Equinox Publishing, ISBN: 9781781799758
- Grau, M. (2020). Methodological themes and patterns in constructive theologies, What is constructive theology? : histories, methodologies, and perspectives,, s. 53 - 73. Bloomsbury T&T Clark, ISBN: 9780567695154
- Grau, M. & Wyman, J. (2020). What is constructive theology? : histories, methodologies, and perspectives, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, ISBN: 9780567695154
- Grau, M. (2019). Political hagiographies sainthood, ethnocentrism, and the fallacies of identity, Louvain Studies, s. 265 - 287. Louvain Studies, ISSN: 0024-6964
- Grau, M. (2018). Bonifatius, Christus und die Axt am Baum. Ein Beitrag zur Soteriologie in postkolonialer Perspektive, Postkoloniale Theologien II : Perspektiven aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum,, s. 242 - 255. W. Kohlhammer GmbH, ISBN: 978-3-17-032571-5
- Grau, M. (2018). From Refiner's Fire to Refinery Fires : Reflections on the Combustive Element of Fire, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Nature : the Elements,, s. 159 - 171. Bloomsbury Academic, ISBN: 9781350046825
- Grau, M. (2018). The revelations of global climate change : a petro-eschatology, Eschatology as imagining the end - Faith between hope and despair,, s. 45 - 60. Routledge, ISBN: 978-1-138-48136-7
- Grau, M. (2018). Postcolonial Contributions to Intercultural Theologies and Interreligious Relations, Shifting Locations and Reshaping Methods : Methodological Challenges Arising from New Fields of Research in Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies,, s. 37 - 52. LIT Verlag, ISBN: 9783643910226
- Carbine, R. P. & Compier, D. & Farley, W. & Grau, M. & Jensen, D. H. & Fulkerson, M. M. (2016). Ways of World-Making, Awake to the Moment : an introduction to theology,, s. 105 - 173. Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN: 9780664261887
- Grau, M. (2016). Considering Hermeneutics, Method, and Cultural Diversity in Anglican and Episcopal Contexts, The Oxford Handbook of Anglican Studies,, s. 176 - 189. Oxford University Press, ISBN: 978-0-19-921856-1
- Grau, M. (2015). Interpreting Power: Rethinking the Relationship between Mythos and Logos as Prolegomena to an Intercultural Theological Hermeneutics, Renegotiating Power, Theology, and Politics,, s. 129 - 149. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-1-137-54865-8
- Grau, M. (2014). Refiguring theological hermeneutics : Hermes, trickster, fool, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9781137326850
- Grau, M. (2013). Göttlicher Handel : eine postkoloniale Christologie für die Zeiten des neokolonialen Empires, Postkoloniale Theologien : Bibelhermeneutische und kulturwissenschaftliche Beiträge,, s. 300 - 322. W. Kohlhammer GmbH, ISBN: 9783170225527
- Grau, M. (2011). Rethinking Mission in the Postcolony: Salvation, Society, and Subversion, Continuum, ISBN: 9780567470157
- Grau, M. (2004). Of Divine Economy: Refinancing Redemption, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, ISBN: 0567027406
Research projects
Education and practice
2015 - d.d.
Professor, Systematisk teologi og missiologi, Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet
2006 - 2015
Associate Professor of Theology, CDSP/Graduate Theological Union, USA
2001 - 2006
Assistant Professor of Theology, CDSP/Graduate Theological Union, USA
Ph.D. Theological and Religious Studies, Drew University, USA
Erstes Staatsexamen Ev. Theologie und Englisch, Universität Tübingen
Voluntary position
2015 - d.d.
Editorial committee Norsk missiologisk tidsskrift
2015 - d.d.
Editorial committee Global Christianity Studies
2014 - d.d.
Co-chair, AAR Group Bible, Theology, and Postmodernity
2012 - d.d.
Member of the Appointments and Review Committee advising the Academic Dean of the Graduate Theological Union
2009 - 2015
CDSP Representative on the GTU Library Committee, Fall
2009 - d.d.
Area Convenor of the Systematic and Philosophical Theology Doctoral Area, Graduate Theological Union, Fall Spring
2006 - d.d.
Chair of the Women’s Studies in Religion Program Steering Committee, Fall Fall
2005 - 2007
Member of the Faculty Council of the GTU, Spring (Advises the Academic Dean of the GTU)
2005 - d.d.
Member of the GTU Board of Trustees, Management and Finance Committee, Fall Fall
2004 - 2015
Member of the Interdisciplinary Studies Area Faculty
2004 - 2015
Member of the Core Doctoral Faculty, Gradutate Theological Union
2001 - 2015
Member of the Systematic and Philosophical Theology Area Consortial Faculty
2001 - d.d.
Member, Society of Anglican and Lutheran, Theology
1997 - d.d.
Member, Society of Biblical Literature
1997 - d.d.
Member, American Academy of Religion
Member, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Religionsphilosophie
Member, European Society for Women in Theology and Religion – ESWTR
Member, The European Society for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies - ESITIS
Member, Yale-Edinburgh Group on the History of the Missionary Movement and World Christianity
Member, Constructive Theology Group