MF was founded in 1907 as the Faculty of Theology. In 2018, we changed our name to MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society.
MF is a private, independent educational institution engaged in research and education in theology, religion, and social sciences, with a particular focus on the intersection of religion and society.
MF offers a range of study programs at the Ph.D., master's, and bachelor's levels. Students are trained for professions in the church, school, and society.
MF has approximately 120 employees, 1300 students, and around 50 in the doctoral program.
MF is an independent, value-based Specialized University college where academic freedom, critical thinking, and democratic participation are emphasized.
The research at MF is diverse and covers areas such as theology and interdisciplinary studies of religion and society.
Opening hours
Summer 2024
Special opening hours 17. June - 11. August:
Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 15.00
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Library summer opening hours
Regular opening hours from 12. August.
Main entrance and reception:
Monday- Friday: 08.00 - 21.00
Saturday: 09.00 - 17.00
Sunday: Closed
Library and reading room:
Monday- Friday: 09.00 - 20.00
Saturday: 10.00 - 15.00
Sunday: Closed
MF appoints its first Merited Teachers
19. desember fikk fire ansatte ved MF tildelt tittelen merittert underviser. Dette er første gang MF gir denne statusen.
Sturla Stålsett becomes the new rector at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
Etter en grundig og omfattende prosess med flere gode kandidater, har styret enstemmig ansatt Sturla Stålsett (60) som ny rektor ved MF vitenskapelig høyskole.
MF Excavates the World's Oldest Monasteries
MF-professor Victor Ghica leder det prestisjefylte DEChriM-prosjektet. Gjennom banebrytende arkeologiske funn i ørkenen graver forskerne dypt ned i kristningen av Egypt.
A New Collaboration with MF L-MaSDR
MF L-MaSDR is delighted learn that the lab’s Research Associate Dr. Dan Batovici has won the €1.2M FWF START 2024 Award by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).