Completed Doctorate Degrees
Since 1991 the following have been awarded the Dr. Theol./Ph.D. in the field of Theology or a Ph.D. in the field of Religious Studies at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society:
144. Glenn Øystein Wehus (Dr. Philos)
Disputation 12. and 13.12.24 Thesis: "Prominent Pronouns: Self-Understanding and Self-Formation in the Stoic Philosopher Epictetus". Professor Rainer Hirsch-Luipold, University of Bern (1), Professor Pauliina Remes, Uppsala University (2). Professor James Crossley chair of the committee.
143. Laura-Marie Mork
Disputation 06.12.24 Thesis: "Religion and Politics – Discourse on Authority in the Swedish Realm under Gustav Vasa". Regents Professor Jason Lavery, Oklahoma State University (1), Professor Mia Korpiola, University of Turku (2). Associate professor John Kaufman chair of the committee.
142. Jostein Garcia De Presno
Disputation 29.11.24 Thesis: "Kun at det skjer med Orden"
Rettssaken mot Hans Nielsen Hauge og institusjonaliseringen av Haugebevegelsen". Professor Hanne Sanders, Lunds Universitet (1), Professor Hallgeir Elstad, Universitetet i Oslo (2).
Associate professor Per Kristian Aschim chair of the committee.
141. Ryan Florer Smith
Disputation 21.1o.24 Thesis: "JESUS’S DEATH BY THE SPEAR
The Heretofore Inconsistent Text-Critical Analysis of Matt 27:49b and the Recovery of a Dismissed Variant Reading’s Story to Tell".
Dr Gregory Paulson, University of Munster (1), Professor Jennifer Wright Knust, Duke University, Durham (2).
Professor Brent Nongbri chair of the committee.
140. Maria Stensvold Ånonsen
Disputation 17.06.24 Thesis: "KAMPEN FOR Å VÆRE SEG SELV OG HØRE TIL - En fotostudie med ungdom som har opplevd vold og omsorgssvikt hjemme." Professor Jon-Håkon Schultz, Universitetet i Tromsø (1), Dekan Mona-Iren Hauge, VID vitenskapelige høyskole (2). Associate Professor Knut Tveitereid chair of the committee.
139. Filip Rasmussen
Disputation 11.06.24 Thesis: "Between the Times: The Critique of Religion in the Theology of the Early Karl Barth." Professor Hanna Reichel, Princeton Theological Seminary (1), Associate Professor Christine Svinth-Værge Põder, University of Copenhagen (2). Professor Jan-Olav Henriksen chair of the committee.
138. Bushra Ishaq
Disputation 09.02.24 Thesis: "Determinants of health among Muslims in Norway. Muslim religiosity and perceived discrimination among Muslims in Norway – impact on health and health behaviour." Professor Finn Diderichsen, København Universitet (1), Professor Lars Lien, Høgskolen Innlandet (2). Associate Professor Gry Stålsett chair of the committee.
137. John Daniel Andersen
Disputation 09.01.24 Thesis: "How to Understand Pentecostal Experiences of God as a Source for Systematic Theology". Professor Ulf Zackariasson, Uppsala University (1), Simo Frestadius, Regents Theological Collegge (2), Associate Professor Kristin Graff-Kallevåg chair of the committee
136. Kjersti Olstad
Disputation 06.12.23 Thesis: "Mening i livet hos ungdom med utviklingstraumer- En kvalitativ studie av mening i livet som erfaring og som tema i terapi". Professor Niels Christian Hvidt, University of Southern Denmark (1), Lektor Christina Lloyd, Uppsala Universitet (2), Associate Professor Gry Stålsett chair of the committee.
135. Andreas Melsom Gregersen
Disputation 12.10.23 Thesis "ATMOSPHERING: A Study of Atmosphere and Religion in a Copenhagen Night Church".
Professor Patrick Eisenlohr, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (1), Assistant Professor Mikkel Gabriel Christoffersen, University of Copenhagen (2). Professor Liv Ingeborg Lied chair of the committee.
134. Maria Ledstam
Disputation 09.06.23 Thesis "When work becomes church and religion critizices work: An Ethnographic Multiple-Case Study Exploring Negotiations of Purity and Impurity of Religion and Economy in Business Practices Related to the Christian Movements of Economy of Communion and Business as Mission". Professor Nimi Wariboko, Boston University (1), Professor Asle Eikrem, MF (2). Professor II Ulrik Nissen chair of the committee.
133. Daniel Prause
Disputation 07.06.23 Thesis "Existential care to older patients with acquired deafblindness. A qualitative study exploring patients’, nurses’, and chaplains’ experiences". Professor Per-Olof Sandman, Umeå (1), Professor Astrid Norberg, Umeå (2). Professor Tatjana Schnell chair of the committee.
132. Trine-Lise Jansen
Disputation 18.04.23 Thesis "Moral distress in acute psychiatric nursing. An insider perspective of sources, responses, and ways of coping." Professor Kristian Larsen, København (1), Professor Anders Johan W. Andersen, Universitetet i Agder (2). Associate Professor Gry Stålsett chair of the committee.
131. Ane Inger Bondahl Søberg
Disputation 17.04.23 Thesis "Eksistensielle temaer i samtaler med pasienter i selvmordsrisiko. Hvordan ivaretas eksistensielle temaer i samtaler med personer med selvmordsrisiko i spesialisthelsetjenesten – med særlig fokus på sykehuspresters rolle?" Postdoctor Bergljot Gjelsvik, Psykologisk Institutt, UIO (1), Associate Professor Anne Austad, VID vitenskapelige høgskole (2). Associate Professor Gry Stålsett chair of the committee.
130. Kari Halstensen
Disputation 11.01.21 Thesis "Relational Processes. Addressing depressive conditions and the God relation in psychotherapy – a dual methods approach." Professor Kirsten Kaya Roessler (1), Professor Erik Stänicke (2). Professor Jan Olav Henriksen chair of the committee.
129. Emil Sætra
Disputation 28.10.22 Thesis "Discussing controversial issues in the classroom: Ideals of democratic discussion and citizenship in Norwegian high schools." Professor Jan Grannäs, Gävle (1), Associate Professor Edda Sant Obiols, Manchester (2). Associate Professor Lars Laird Iversen chair of the committee.
128. Johannes Hvaal Solberg
Disputation 25.10.22 Thesis "Analogy of being between univocity and equivocity: The reconstruction of the concept of analogy in the writings of Przywara, Balthasar, and Marion, from the perspective of theological aesthetics." Professor Ståle Johannes Kristiansen, Bergen (1), Professor Christina M. Gschwandtner, Fordham University (2). Professor Asle Eikrem chair of the committee.
127. Emil B. Nielsen
Disputation 26.08.22 Thesis "Apologetics Beyond Arguments. An Analysis and Evaluation of the Apologetic Methods of Richard Swinburne, Alister McGrath, and Stanley Hauerwas".
Professor Niels Henrik Gregersen, Copenhagen (1), Professor Harald Hegstad, Oslo (2). Professor Nancey Murphy, Pasadena chair of the committee.
126. Jesse Ophoff
Disputation 12.05.22 Thesis: "Navigating the Gospel in Latin Late Antiquity: “Evangelium” through Three Centuries of Critical Development". Professor Mary J. Carruthers, New York (1), Professor Karla Pollmann, Bristol (2). Professor Brent Nongbri chair of the committee.
125. Michael A. Mørch
Disputation 12.05.22 Thesis: “Systematic Theology as Rationally Justified Public Discourse about God”. Professor Cornelia Richter, Bonn (1), Professor Mikael Stenmark, Uppsala (2). Professor Marion Grau chair of the committee.
124. Line M. Bonde
Disputation 18.03.22 Thesis: "Challenging the Romanesque: Reconsidering Approaches to the Rural Parish Church of Twelfth-Century Denmark." Professor Linda Seidel, Chicago (1), Associate Professor Søren Kaspersen, Copenhagen (2). Professor Otfried Czaika chair of the committee.
123. Gunhild Maria Hugdal
Disputation 09.06.21 Thesis: "The right choice and the free choice: An empirical ethical contribution to a Christian, feminist ethic of reproductive justice". Associate professor Aana Marie Vigen, Chicago (1), Associate Professor Marianne Kjelsvik, Ålesund (2). Professor Jan-Olav Henriksen chair of the committee.
122. Kenneth Ellefsen
Disputation 08.06.21 Thesis: "Én dåp i to former? En økumenisk studie av muligheten for å oppnå differensiert konsensus i dåpsteologien mellom baptister og lutheranere i skandinavisk kontekst.". Docent Sune Fahlgren, Stockholm (1), Professor Niels Henrik Gregersen, Copenhagen (2). Associate Professor Kristin Graff-Kallevåg chair of the committee.
121. Hilde Marie Øgreid Movafagh
Disputation 03.05.21 Thesis: "Broadening the Perspective: Prevenient Grace in Contemporary Methodist Theology". Professor Wendy Farley, Redlands (1), Researcher Michael Nausner, Uppsala. (2). Professor Harald Hegstad chair of the committee.
120. Linn Sæbø Rystad
Disputation 12.03.21 Thesis: "Overestimated and Underestimated: A Case Study of the Practice of Preaching for Children with an Emphasis on Children’s Role as Listeners". Lektor Marlene Ringgaard Lorensen, Copenhagen (1), Docent Theo Pleizier, Groningen (2). Associate Professor Knut Tveitereid chair of the committee.
119. Kristin Skarning Eriksson
Disputation 30.10.20 Thesis: "Rights and Values: Interpretive Repertoires in a Norwegian Public Debate about Religion and Governance". Professor Mia Lövheim, Stockholm (1), Helge Årsheim, Oslo (2). Associate Professor Marielle Stigum Gleiss chair of the committee.
118. Ingvild Engh Wattø
Disputation 29.10.20 Thesis: "Low-threshold Services for Individuals in Crisis: A qualitative study of the support offered by a diaconal suicide prevention crisis line in Norway and volunteers’ role in service-delivery from the perspectives of Kirkens SOS volunteers and callers." Ph.D. Peter LaCour, Danmark (1), Ph.D. Erlend Mork, Oslo (2). Associate Professor Gry Stålsett chair of the committee.
117. Einar Eidsaa Edland
Disputation 16.06.20 Thesis: ”Towards another self story. Religion, self and transformation in VITA patients." Professor Stephen Pattison, Birmingham (1), Associate Professor Sigrid Helene Kjørven Haug, Hamar (2). Professor Lars Johan Danbolt chair of the committee.
116. Hege Kristin Ringnes
Disputation 29.05.20 Thesis: "Emotion regulation strategies and future prospects among Jehova’s Witnesses: A qualitative study of Norwegian members of an end-time focused religious group." Professor Sebastian Murken, Marburg (1), Professor Valerie DeMarinis, Uppsala (2). Professor Jan-Olav Henriksen chair of the committee.
115. Brandt C. Klawitter
Disputation 16.12.19 Thesis: "A Forceful and Fruitful Verse:Textual and Contextual Studies on Genesis 1:28 in Luther and the Wittenberg Reformation (1521-1531)." Professor Irene Dingel, Mainz (1), Associate Professor Sivert Angel, Oslo (2). Associate Professor Eivor A. Oftestad chair of the committee.
114. Inge Andersland
Disputation 04.10.19 Thesis: "Religion Education, Religious and National Identity, and the Purpose of Education." Professor Kerstin von Brömssen, Trollhättan (1), Professor Geir Skeie, Stavanger (2). Professor Geir Afdal chair of the committee.
113. Audun Toft
Disputation 13.09.19 Thesis: "Conflict and Entertainment: Media Influence on Religious Education in Upper Secondary School in Norway." Johanna Sumiala, Helsinki (1), Professor Jenny Berglund, Stockholm (2). Associate Professor Lars Laird Iversen chair of the committee.
112. Cato Gulaker
Disputation 13.06.19 Thesis: "Satan, the Heavenly Adversary of Man: A Narrative Analysis of the Function of Satan in the Book of Revelation." Professor Paul Middleton, Chester (1), Professor Gabriella Gelardini, Bodø (2). Professor Karl Olav Sandnes chair of the committee.
111. Steinunn A. Björnsdottir
Disputation 24.05.19. Thesis: "Reforming Pastors: A study on Reforms and Attempted Reforms in the ELCI with a Focus on the Role of the Pastors." Associate Professor Kirsten Donskov Felter, Aarhus (1), Professor Harald Askeland, Oslo (2). Associate Professor Fredrik Saxegaard chair of the committee.
110. Hildegunn Valen Kleive
Disputation 10.05.19. Thesis: "Not that religious: A study of young Tamil religiosity in north-western Norway". Associate Professor Marianne Qvortrup Fibiger, Aarhus (1), Professor Øivind Fuglerud, Oslo (2). Postdoc Gina Lende chair of the committee.
109. Håkon Sunde Pedersen
Disputation 11.01.19. Thesis: "The Retributive and Suffering God of the Book of Jeremiah: A Study of YHWH’s ʻĀzab-Complaints." Senior Lecturer dr. Else Kragelund Holt, Aarhus (1), and Senior Lecturer dr. David Reimer, Edinburgh/St.Andrews (2). Professor dr. Gard Granerød chair of the committee.
108. Burkhard Kunkel
Disputation 23.11.18. Thesis: "Mitteldinge: Lutherische Kirchen mit ihren Ausstattungen des 16. Jahrhunderts – eine Geschichte der materiellen Kultur." Professor Krista Kodres, Tallinn (1), Professor Sabine Hiebsch, Kampen (2). Professor Otfried Czaika chair of the committee.
107. Klaus Vibe
Disputation 03.09.18. Thesis: "The Spirit of Faith: A Comparative Study of Philo’s and Paul’s Reading of the Abraham Story". Professor John M.G. Barclay, Durham (1), Professor Gitte Buch-Hansen, Copenhagen (2). Professor Karl Olav Sandnes chair of the committee.
106. Andrew Ratanya Mukaria
Disputation 12.06.18. Thesis: "Towards Constructive Ecotheology: The Mau Forest Complex and the Response of the Church." Ben Knighton, Oxford (1), Professor Mika Vähäkangas, Lund (2). Professor Marion Grau, chair of the committee.
105. Daniela Lucia Rapisarda
Disputation 08.05.18. Thesis: ”Theology of Inculturation and Liberation In the People to People Peacemaking Process in Southern Sudan (1997-2002).” Professor Kajsa Ahlstrand, Uppsala (1), Professor Peter Lodberg, Aarhus (2). Professor Marion Grau, chair of the committee
104. Johan Lövgren
Disputation 04.05.18. Thesis: ”The Reflective Community: Learning processes in Norwegian folk high schools”. Professor Anne Line Wittek, Oslo (1), Professor Staffan Larsson, Linköping (2). Professor Claudia Lenz, chair of the committee.
103. Per Kristian Aschim
Disputation 20.04.18. Thesis: ”Herskende religion i den kristelige stat: Den statsteoretiske diskursen om religion og stat med henblikk på norsk religionspolitikk i 1840-årene”. Professor Lisbet Christoffersen, Roskilde (1), Professor Ingunn Folkestad Breistein, Kristansand (2). John Kaufman, chair of the committee.
102. Matthew P. Monger
Disputation 05.03.18. Thesis: "4Q216: Rethinking Jubilees in the First Century BCE". Trial Lecture: "An account and evaluation of one or all of the mss that used to be labelled 'Pseudo-Jubilees'. How do they (re-)shape thinking about Hebrew Jubilees, and possibly other texts?" Professor Loren T. Stuckenbruck, München (1), Professor Charlotte Hempel, Birmingham (2). Professor Kristin Joachimsen, chair of the committee.
101. Christine Henriksen Aarflot
Disputation 02.03.18. Thesis: ”God (in) Acts: A Narrative Analysis of the Characterization of God through God’s Actions in the Acts of the Apostles". Trial Lecture: "The Descent and Ascent of the Son in John's Gospel". Professor Matthew L. Skinner, St. Paul (1), Professor Loveday Alexander, Sheffield (2). Professor Reidar Hvalvik, chair of the committee.
100. Nils Hallvard Korsvoll
Disputation 18.12.17. Thesis: ”Reconsidering ‘Christian’: Context and Categorisation in the Study of Syriac Amulets and Incantation Bowls”. Trial Lecture: "Perspectives on the Development of Christianity in Mesopotamia in the fifth and sixth century". Professor David Frankfurter, Boston (1), Professor Dr. Erica C.D. Hunter, London (2). Professor Kristin Bliksrud Aavitsland, chair of the committee.
99. Hilde Lausund
Disputation 11.12.17. Thesis: Contracted Care: An Ethnographic Study of Home Care Nursing in Norway. Trial lecture: Discuss the clinical and organizational implications of conceptualizing the provision of home care nursing services as negotiated contracted care. Associate Professor Christine Ceci, Alberta (1), Professor Marit Kirkevold, Oslo (2). Professor Gunnar Heiene, chair of the committee.
98. Kristina Berg Torskenæs
Disputation 1.12.17. Thesis: ”The Spiritual Dimension in Nursing: A Mixed Method Study on Patients and Health Professionals”. Trial lecture: The concept of spirituality - a critical analysis of its use in modern health research literature. Professor Niels Christian Hvidt, Odense (1), Assistant Professor Cecilia Melder, Uppsala (2). Professor em. Leif Gunnar Engedal, chair of the committee.
97. Fredrik Saxegaard
Disputation 25.09.17. Thesis: ”Realizing church: Parish pastors as contributors to leadership in congregations.” Trial lecture: Why is an academic education necessary to lead a Christian congregation? Professor Kati Tervo-Niemelä, Helsinki (1), Professor Henk de Roest, Groeningen (2). Professor Lars Johan Danbolt, chair of the committee.
96. Harald Aarbakke
Disputation 15.06.17. Thesis: The importance of Being the Eldest Brother and Its Relevance for New Testament Christology. Trial lecture: Hvilken relevans har nytestamentlig kristologi for teologisk refleksjon i vår tid? Committee: Professor Reidar Aasgaard, Oslo (1), Associate Professor Dr. Anna Rebecca Solevåg, Stavanger (2). Professor Karl Olav Sandnes, chair of the committee.
95. Kirsten Tornøe
Disputation 05.05.17. Thesis: The Challenge of Consolation: A qualitative study of nurses’ experiences with practicing and teaching spiritual and existential care for the dying.Trial lecture: Spiritual competence and nursing skills needed in institutional care for the dying in contemporary multi-religious Norway. Committee: Professor John Swinton, University of Aberdeen (1), Professor Astrid Norberg, Umeå University (2). Associate Professor Gry Stålsett, chair of the committee.
94. Ingunn Aadland
Disputation 19.12.16. Thesis: Seek and Find. A Rereading of 4QSapiental Work (4Q185). Trial lecture: Prayer in Jewish Literature from the Late Third Century BCE to the Turn of the Era. Committee: Research fellow Jutta Jokiranta, Helsinki (1), Professor Torleif Elgvin, Oslo (2). Professor Gard Granerød, chair of the committee.
93. Dorcas Kanana Muketha
Disputation 23.11.16. Thesis: Ameru Women’s Spirituality: Negotiation of Spiritual Practices among Methodist and Pentecostal Church Christian women in Igembe Constituency. Trial lecture: Health, suffering and healing. A systematic-theological reflection with special reference to an African cultural context. Committee: Professor Jesse Mugambi, Nairobi (1) , Associate Professor Kari Storstein Haug, Stavanger (2). Professor em. Leif Gunnar Engedal, chair of the Committe.
92. Robert Lilleaasen
Disputation 30.09.16. Thesis: "Old Paths and New Ways: A Case Study of the Negotiation between Tradition and the Quest for Relevance in Two Worship practices." Trial lecture: Norwegian religiosity in a postmodern age, changes and challenges. Committee: Opponents Professor Martin Stringer, Swansea University (1), Professor Bernice Sundkvist, Åbo Academy University (2). Professor Pete Ward, chair of the Committee.
91. Frida Austvoll Nome
Disputation 10.06.16. Thesis: "Making Islam in times of crisis: The Friday sermon and the Syrian uprising." Trial lecture: Islam in times of war: An analysis of two scholarly sermons/statements from the later stages of the Syrian conflictm. Commitee: Opponents university lecturer Thomas Pierret, University of Edinburgh (1), Professor Susanne Olsson, University of Stockholm (2). Professor Kjetil Fretheim, chair of the Committee.
90. Harald Askeland
Disputation 04.03.16. Thesis: ”Hverdagsledelse: Diakoni, verdier og ledelse i praksis". Trial lecture: Hvilke særegne kjennetegn har trosbaserte velferdsprodusenter innenfor helse-/sosialsektoren? Hvilke troselementer i slike organisasjoner samsvarer med involverte profesjoners verdier, og hvilke står i motsetning til dem? Hvordan ser de framtidige mulighetene ut for trosbaserte helsetiltak i slike organisasjoners regi? Committee: Opponents Professor Bengt Kristensson Uggla, Åbo/Uppsala (1), Professor Rebecka Arman, Göteborg (2). Professor II Håkon W. Lorentzen, Chair of the Committee.
89. Silje Kvamme Bjørndal
Disputation 17.12.15. Thesis: "The Church in a Secular Age: A Pneumatological Reconstruction of Stanley Hauerwas’ Ecclesiology". Trial lecture: "Sacramental Practices in a Secular Age". Committee: Opponents Professor Amos Yong, Fuller Theological Seminary (1), Professor Ulla Schmidt, Aarhus Universitet (2). Professor Jan-Olav Henriksen, Chair of the Committee.
88. Eskil Skjeldal
Disputation 15.12.15. Thesis: "Ethics and the Creator of Love and Trust: A Comparative and Constructive Reading of the Theological Dimensions in the Ethics of Knud E. Løgstrup and Søren Aa. Kierkegaard”. Trial lecture: "Drøft gudsriketankens betydning for kristen etikk". Committee: First Opponent Professor Pia Søltoft, København (1), Professor Svein Aage Christoffersen, Oslo (2). Professor Gunnar Heiene, Chair of the Committee.
87. Sigrid Helene Kjørven Haug
Disputation 16.10.15. Thesis:”The illness experiences of older people with incurable cancer in specialized palliative health care contexts. A qualitative study in clinical psychology of religion of the interactions between daily living and existential meaning–making.” Trial lecture: "Relationship and differences between religious, spiritual, and existential care. Possible individual-, cultural- and time sensitive interventions." Committee: First Opponent Professor James W. Jones, Rutgers University, second opponent Professor Niels Christian Hvidt, Universitetet i sør-Danmark. Professor Gry Stålsett, Chair of the Committee.
86. Marianne Rodriguez Nygaard
Disputation 09.10.15. Thesis: ”Caring to know or knowing to care? Knowledge Creation and Care in Deacons’ Professional Practice in the Church of Norway." Trial lecture: "Reflective Practice of Diakonia from the Margins: Professional and Ecclesiological Implications". Committee: Opponents Professor Mary Elizabeth Moore, Boston (1), Professor Hans Stifoss-Hanssen, Oslo (2). Professor Kjetil Fretheim, Chair of the Committee.
85. Ingvild Røsok
Disputation 25.09.15. Thesis: "The Reality of Love: A Critical and Constructive Analysis of Karl Rahner’s Theology of Love." Trial lecture: "Kirken som kjærlighetens institusjon". Committee: Opponents Professor Werner Jeanrond, Oxford (1) and Docent Karin Johannesson, Uppsala (2). Professor Terje Hegertun, Chair of the Committee.
84. Morten Holmqvist
Disputation 12.06.15. Thesis: "Learning Religion in Confirmation: Mediating the Material Logics of Religion. An ethnographic case study of religious learning in confirmation within the church of Norway." Trial lecture: "Youth, culture and Christianity. How young people's lived religion are changing churches in Europe." Committee: First Opponent Professor Hubertus Roebben, Dortmund, Second Opponent Kerstin von Brömssen, Gøteborg og Karlstad. Professor Lars Laird Iversen, Chair of the Committee.
83. Hilde Brekke Møller
Disputation 13.05.15. Thesis: "The Vermes Quest: The Significance of Geza Vermes for Jesus Research." Trial lecture: "The Passion Predictions and the Historical Jesus." Committee: First Opponent Professor Helen Bond, Edinburgh, Second Opponent Professor Craig A. Evans, Acadia, Nova Scotia. Professor Karl Olav Sandnes, Chair of the Committee.
82. Gina Lende
Disputation 13.03.15. Thesis: "Sound Scholarship and Moral Responsibility: Current Dilemmas in Research on Religion and Politics in Conflict-Ridden Contexts". Trial lecture: "The Rise of Pentecostal Power: Exploring the politics of Pentecostal growth in Nigeria and Guatemala". Committee: First Opponent Professor Kajsa Ahlstrand, Upppsala and Professor Torkel Brekke, Oslo. Professor Sturla Stålsett, Chair of the Committee.
81. Kristin Graff-Kallevåg
Disputation 27.02.15. Thesis: "The Triune God and Baptism: An Analysis and Discussion of the Relationship between the Trinity and Baptism in the Theology of Robert W. Jenson and Catherine M. LaCugna". Trial lecture: "Children of God? Dogmatic reflections on the soteriological status of unbaptized children". Committee: First Opponent Professor Marit Trelstad, Tacoma, WA , Second Opponent Professor Markus Mühling, Lüneburg. Professor Harald Hegstad, Chair of the Committee.
80. Kim Larsen
Disputation 06.02.15. Thesis: "Transformasjon som overgivelse – en analyse av Wilfrid Stinissenskarmelittiske spiritualitet". Trial lecture: "Spiritualitet og teologi i den karmelittiske tradisjonen." Committee: First Opponent Professor Gösta Hallonsten, Lund , Second Opponent Professor Henny Fiskå Hägg, Kristiansand. Professor Tone Stangeland Kaufman, Chair of the Committee.
79. Anne Austad
Disputation 16.01.15. Thesis: ”Passing Away – Passing by: A Qualitative Study of Experiences and Meaning Making of Post Death Presence”. Trial lecture: "In what way can theology contribute to the psychological investigation of anomalous experiences?" Committee: First Opponent Professor Hetty Zock, Groningen, second opponent Peter la Cour, Gudhjem. Professor Jan-Olav Henriksen, Chair of the Committee.
78. Ingrid Christine Reite
Disputation 16.12.14. Thesis: ”Between Settling and Unsettling in a Changing Knowledge Society: The Professional Learning Trajectories of Pastors”. Trial lecture: “What are the educational challenges within the Church of Norway and how can these be met?" Committee: First Opponent Professor Jan Nespor, Columbus, OH, Second Opponent Jonas Ideström, Uppsala. Professor Trine Anker, MF, Chair of the Committee.
77. Gunnar Innerdal
Disputation 15.12.14. Thesis: ”Spirit and Truth: A Systematic Reconstruction of Hans von Balthasar’sDoctrine of the Spirit of Truth and its Connections to the Philosophy and Theology of Truth by the Theoretical Framework of Lorenz B. Puntel”. Trial lecture: “The Eucharist in the context of the Trinity:Epiclesis and ecumenism." Committee: First Opponent Professor Karen E. Kilby, Durham, Second Opponent Professor Eugene Rogers, North Carolina, Professor Terje Hegertun, MF, Chair of the Committee.
76. Ole Jakob Filtvedt
Disputation 13.06.2014. Thesis: ”The Identity of Israel and the Paradox of Hebrews”. Trial lecture: "The Identity of 'God's Israel' (Gal 6:16) in the letter to the Galatians." Committee: First Opponent Professor Dr. Larry Hurtado, Edinburgh, Second Opponent Docent Mikael Tellbe, Örebro, and Associate Professor Geir Otto Holmås, MF, Chair of the Committee.
75. Ole Kolbjørn Kjørven
Disputation 23.05.2014. Thesis: "RE Teachers' Religious Literacy: A Qualitative Analysis of RE Teachers' Interpretations of the Biblical Narrative The Prodigal Son". Trial lecture: "Literature and biblical hermeneutics: Opportunities and challenges at the intersection of text theories and analytical methods from various traditions." Committee: First Opponent Professor Frank A. Rogers jr., Claremont, Second Opponent Associate Professor Astri Ramsfjell, Trondheim, and Professor Sverre Dag Mogstad, MF, Chair of the Committee.
74. Svein E. Sando
Disputation 09.05.2014. Thesis: "Barn, IKT og etikk. En studie i digital etisk dannelse, med norske barnehager som case." Trial lecture: ”Makt- og kjønnsperspektiver på bruk av IKT i barnehagen.” Committee: First Opponent Professor Svend Andersen, Aarhus, Second Opponent Professor Helje Kringlebotn Sødal, Kristiansand, and Professor Kjetil Fretheim, MF, Chair of the Committee.
73. Kaberia Isaac Kubai
Disputation 23.08.2013. Thesis: ”Just Reconciliation: The Church’s Response to Ethno-Political Violence in Kenya.” Trial lecture: "The role of the church in just reconciliation processes in the aftermath of ethno-political violence. - An international comparative perspective." Committee: First Opponent Professor Martha Frederiks, Utrecht, Second Opponent Associate Professor Terje Mesel, Kristiansand, and Associate Professor Roar Fotland, MF, Chair of the Committee.
72. Raymond Lillevik
Disputation 16.08.2013. Thesis: ”Apostates, Hybrids, or True Jews? Jewish Christian and Jewish Identity in Eastern Europe 1860-1914.” Trial lecture: ”Kristologi og torah-overholdelse blant messianske jøder i dag - en lesning av Richard Harvey: Mapping Messianic Jewish Theology.” Committee: Kai Kjær-Hansen, Lystrup, Danmark, Second Opponent Professor Torstein Jørgensen, Stavanger, and Associate Professor Kristin Norseth, MF, Chair of the Committee.
71. Roald Iversen
Disputas fredag 26.04.2013. Avhandlingen "Barmhjertighet og frigjøring. Sjelesorg som kritisk hermeneutisk praksis. Refleksjoner i grenselandet mellom teologi og filosofi". Prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne: "Hva kan den praktiserende sjelesørger lære av nyere empiriske undersøkelser om religion og tro i Norge?". Førsteopponent universitetslektor Hans Raun Iversen, København. Andreopponent Professor Paul Leer-Salvesen, Kristiansand. Professor Gunnar Heiene er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
70. Torgeir Sørensen
Disputas 30.11.2012. Avhandlingen ”Epidemological studies of religious behaviours and health in the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT 3), Norway”. Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Resultater av empirisk forskning på religion og folkehelse: Implikasjoner for teologi og sjelesorg". Førsteopponent Professor Valerie DeMarinis, Uppsala. Andreopponent Professor Vinjar M. Fønnebø, Tromsø. Professor Hans Stifoss-Hanssen er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
69. Oddgeir Synnes
Disputas 31.05-01.06.2012. Avhandlingen "Forteljing som identitetskonstruksjon ved alvorleg sjukdom: Ein hermeneutisk analyse av alvorleg sjuke og døyande sine forteljingar". Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Drøft kva for rolle kulturelt funderte narrative konvensjonar spelar i utforminga av personlege livsforteljingar".Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Narrativ empati: Bob Dylan som historieforteljar i møte med lidande menneske". Førsteopponent Professor Per Koren Solvang, Oslo. Andreopponent Professor Karin Sporre, Umeå. Professor Leif Gunnar Engedal er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
68. Reidar Salvesen
Disputas 24.05-25.05.2012. Avhandling "The Problem with the Problem of Death: A systematic theological study of the phenomenon of death with special reference to Arthur Robert Peacocke and Ted Peters". Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Biblical and modern scientific cosmologies: hermeneutical reflections". Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "The relation between a scientific eschatology and a theological eschatology with special reference to the resurrection". Førsteopponent Professor J. Wentzel van Hyussteen, Princeton. Andreopponent Professor Niels Henrik Gregersen, København. Professor Svein Olaf Thorbjørnsen er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
67. Bård Eirik Hallesby Norheim
Disputas 22.03-23.03.2012. Avhandling "Practicing Baptism: A theological Investigation of the Presence of Christ in Christian Practices in the Context of Youth Ministry." Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Baptism as a paradigm for Youth Ministry in Norway." Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Towards a theological anthropology for leading change in the congregation." Førsteopponent Professor Chris Scharen, St.Paul. Andreopponent Senior Lecturer Pete Ward, London. Professor Svein Olaf Thorbjørnsen er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
66. Trine Anker
Disputas 19.12-20.12.2011. Avhandling ”Respect and Disrespect: Social Practices in a Norwegian Multicultural School.” Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Teaching respect in multicultural Norwegian schools and in teacher education: Educational frontiers beyond tolerance." Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Reading against culture: Anthropological readings of literature in an intercultural perspective." Førsteopponent Professor Mary Elizabeth Moore, Boston. Andreopponent Professor Kåre Fuglseth, Bodø. Professor Sverre Dag Mogstad er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
65. Espen Schjetne
Disputas 08.12-09.12.2011. Avhandling ”Autonomi og sosial kompetanse. Moraloppdragelse i den offentlige grunnskolens seksual- og samlivsundervisning”. Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Hvilken plass og rolle bør deskripsjon ha i religionspedagogikken som normativt fagfelt?". Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Å forstå egen praksis og å kritisere andres teori. Karakter- og holdningsdannelse på Vang barneskole". Førsteopponent Professor Elisabet Haakedal, Kristiansand. Andreopponent førsteamanuensis Jon Magne Vestøl, Oslo. Professor Heid Leganger-Krogstad er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
64. Asle Eikrem
Disputas 01.12-02.12.2011. Avhandling ”Ontology and Religious Discourses: The ontological conditions of religious discourses reconstructed in connection with philosophical perspectives provided by Dewey Z. Phillips, Erica Appelros and Paul Ricoeur.” Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Religionsfilosofi som filosofisk og teologisk disiplin". Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Det er barmhjertighet jeg vil ha, ikke offer: En utforskning av nye retninger innen soteriologien". Førsteopponent Professor Eberhard Herrmann, Uppsala. Andreopponent Professor Svend Andersen, København. Professor Peder Gravem er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
63. Tor Torbjørnsen
Disputas 10.11-11.11.2011. Avhandling ”Gud hjelpe meg! Religiøs mestring hos pasienter med Hodgkins sykdom. En empirisk, religionspsykologisk studie”. Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Drøft hvilken verdi teorier om religiøs mestring kan ha i møte med utfordringer i kirkelig praksis". Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Sundén og Pargament – religiøse roller og religiøs mestring". Førsteopponent Professor Nils G. Holm, Åbo. Andreopponent Professor Pål Repstad, Kristiansand. Professor Leif Gunnar Engedal er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
62. Tone Stangeland Kaufman
Disputas 03.11-04.11.2011. Avhandling "A New Old Spirituality? A Qualitative Study of Clergy Spirituality in the Church of Norway." Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Toward Retrieving an Imago Dei Spirituality: Ignatian and Lutheran Perspectives." Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "A Spirituality for Pilgrims? Subjectivization and Retraditionalization in the Norwegian CrossRoad (Korsvei) Movement." Førsteopponent Associate Professor Lisa E. Dahill, Columbus, Ohio. Andreopponent Professor Svein Rise, Bergen. Professor Geir Afdal er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
61. Ragnar Andersen
Disputas 20.10-21.10.2011. Avhandling ”Concordia Ecclesiae. En undersøkelse av spenning og sammenheng i Philipp Melanchtons teologi og innsats for kirkelig enhet, særlig i 1527-1530”. Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne:"Det ekklesiologiske grunnlaget for Den augsburgske bekjennelsen som økumenisk dokument". Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Hvilken plass og betydning har Elihus taler i Jobs bok?" Førsteopponent Docent Leif Erikson, Åbo. Andreopponent Professor Oddvar Johan Jensen, Bergen. Professor Kjell Olav Sannes er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
60. Joar Haga
Disputas 31.3-1.4.2011. Avhandling ”Was there a Lutheran metaphysics? The interpretation of communicatio idiomatum in Early Modern Lutheranism.” Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Christology and anthropology. The understanding of man by Luther and in the Renaissance." Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Lex manens? Some problems in the interpretation of the law in Early Modern Protestantism". Førsteopponent Privatdozent Günter Frank, Bretten. Andreopponent Professor Oddvar J. Jensen, Bergen. Førsteamanuensis Jan H. Schumacher er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
59. Jeppe Bach Nikolajsen
Disputas 9.-10.12.2010. Avhandling ”Redefining the Identity of the Church: A Constructive Study of the Post-Christendom Theologies of Lesslie Newbigin and John Howard Yoder”. Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Missional folk church? A discussion of Hans Raun Iversen's understanding of the Danish folk church as a missional church." Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Missio Christi: Toward a Missional Christology?" Førsteopponent Professor Darrell Guder, Princeton. Andreopponent Professor Theol. Kjell Nordstokke, Diakonhjemmet høgskole. Professor Harald Hegstad er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
58. Jørn Varhaug
Disputas 3.-4.11.2010. Avhandling ”Reapplication of Cultic Language in Psalms 22, 23, and 24.”Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "The Spoken Word in Conjunction with Other Rituals at the Temple in Jerusalem". Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Why the God-Sons-Episode in Genesis 6:1-4 is Plausible as Motivation for the Deluge". Førsteopponent Professor Marianne Grohmann, Wien Universität. Andreopponent Professor Marc Z. Brettler, Brandeis University. Førsteamanuensis Hanne Løland er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
57. Helene Lund
Disputas 7.-8.10.2010. Avhandling ”Conflicting Ecclesiologies. Exploring the Ecclesiological Discourse in the Special Commission on Orthodox Participation in the World Council of Churches from 1998 to 2002”. Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "The Church as Koinonia. The contribution to the ecclesiological reflection of the WCC from the 5th World Conference of Faith and Order, Santiago de Compostela, 1993."Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne:"The idea of 'just war' in the Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the 3rd millennium." Førsteopponent Professor Risto Saarinen, Helsinki. Andreopponent gen. sekr. Olav Fykse Tveit, Geneve. Professor Gunnar Heiene er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
56. Gudmund Waaler
Disputas 16.-17.6.2010. Avhandling ”Nattverden som offer. En komparativ systematisk analyse av synet på det eukaristiske offer hos Carl Fr. Wisløff, Regin Prenter og Gustaf Aulén.” Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Kirken som sosialt og sakramentalt fellesskap". Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Ny liturgi – luthersk eller økumenisk?" Førsteopponent Professor Kirsten Busch Nielsen. København. Andreopponent Professor Svein Rise, Bergen. Professor Harald Hegstad er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
55. Irene Tvedt Wangen
Disputas 19.-20.5.2010. Avhandling ”Sex, Sin and Stigma. The Challenge of HIV and AIDS-Realated Stigmatisation to the Understanding of Sin, the Human Being and Christian Sexual Ethics.”Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Christus Salvator - ethical implications of salvation as healing and salvation as atonement." Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Divided by love and war? Ethics and church between norm and situation." Førsteopponent Professor Denise M. Ackermann, Stellenbosh. Andreopponent Professor Kajsa Ahlstrand, Uppsala. Professor Svein Olaf Thorbjørnsen er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
54. Merethe Roos
Disputas 7.-8.4.10. Avhandling: "post Struensee. En undersøkelse av praxis pietatis i St. Petri menighet i København 1772-1793, med utgangspunkt i Balthasar Münters forfatterskap". Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne:"Balthasar Münters forfatterskap i lys av utviklingen av en borgerlig offentlighet i Danmark-Norge på 1700-tallet. En teksthistorisk drøfting". Prøveforelesningen selvvalgt emne: "De omstandigheten by de te rechtstelling der Grave Johann FriedrichStruensee in Denemarken". ”The interest of Balthasar Münter and Johann Friedrich Struensee in Dutch publicity January - April 1772." Førsteopponent Professor Kjell Lars Berge, Oslo. Andreopponent akademiforskare Anna Cullhed, Uppsala. Professor Gunnar Heiene er tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
53. Terje Hegertun
Disputas 16.-17.12.09. Avhandling: ”Det brodersind som pinseaanden nødvendigvis maa føde”. Analyse av økumeniske posisjoner i norsk pinsebevegelse med henblikk på utviklingen av en pentekostal økumenikk og fornyelse av økumeniske arbeidsformer. Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Mellom historie og dogmer. Metodespørsmål i systematisk teologi". Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Bridge over troubled water? Refleksjoner omkring dåpsteologi og økumenikk i lys av Limadokumentets pkt IV-13."Førsteopponent generalsekretær Olav Fykse Tveit, Oslo. Andreopponent førsteamanuensis Ingunn Folkestad Breistein, Kristiansand. Professor Tormod Engelsviken var tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
52. Atle Ottesen Søvik
Disputas 14.-15.12.09. Avhandling: "The Problem of Evil and the Power of God: On the Coherence and Authenticity of some Christian Theodicies with Different Understandings of God’s Power." Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Hva er religionsfilosofi?" Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Hvilke premisser bør ligge til grunn for at det skal bli god religionskritikk?" Førsteopponent Professor Dr. Nils Gilje, Bergen. Andreopponent Professor Mikael Stenmark, Uppsala. Professor Peder Gravem var tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
51. Lars Råmunddal
Disputas 10.-11.12.09. Avhandling: "Konsept og endring: En kvalitativ studie av hvordan lokale ekklesiologier formes gjennom initierte endringsprosesser i to norske menigheter". Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Muligheter og utfordringer prinsipielt og praktisk mellom empiriske og eksplisitt normative vitenskaper". Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: ”'Åndskamp' som teologisk problem og utfordring for kirken. Noen praktisk-teologiske refleksjoner inspirert av siste tiårs misjonsfaglige behandling av tematikken’. Førsteopponent Professor Harald Askeland, Oslo. Andreopponent førsteamanuensis Hans Austnaberg, Stavanger. Førsteamanuensis Roar Fotland var tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
50. Karl Inge Tangen
Disputas 7.-8.12.09. Avhandling: “Ecclesial identification beyond transactional individualism? A case study of life strategies in growing late modern churches.” Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: ”A discussion of the relation between empirical studies and normative theology, with regard to the question: In what ways is the doctrine of sin part of Ecclesiology?” Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: “The feast as an ecclesial image in the late modern context – A theological exploration.” Førsteopponent Professor William K. Kay, Bangor, Wales. Andreopponent Professor Jan Inge Jenssen, Kristiansand. Professor Jan-Olav Henriksen var tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.
49. Heid Leganger-Krogstad
Disputas 12.- 13.11.09. Avhandling: ”The Religious Dimension of Intercultural Education. Contributions to a Contextual Understanding.” Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: ”Different approaches to religious education in a pluralistic context.” Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: “Snow hotels and ice churches in Northern Scandinavia as metaphorical expressions.” Første opponent: Professor Robert Jackson, University of Warrick/Professor II ved Det Europeiske Wergelandssenteret. Andre opponent: førsteamanuensis Sidsel Lied ved Høgskolen i Hedmark. Professor Sverre D. Mogstad var internt tredje medlem i komiteen.
48. John Kaufman
Disputas: 15.- 16.06.09. Avhandling Becoming Divine, Becoming Human: Deification Themes in Irenaeus of Lyons. Prøveforelesning oppgitt emne: "Irenaeus on the Formation of the Canon." Prøveforelesning selvvalgt emne: "Diverging Trajectories or Emerging Mainstream?. Unity and Diversity in Second Century Christianity."Første opponent Professorm Frances M. Young, England. Andre opponent universitetslektor Anders-Christian Jacobsen, Aarhus. ProfessorReidar Hvalvik var tredje medlem i bedømmelseskomiteen.