- Course code: RPSY5010
- Credits: 10
- Semester: Spring
- Language: Norwegian
Psychology of Religion: Psychological Perspectives on Religiosity, Spirituality, and Secularity RPSY5010
RPSY5010 provides an introduction to key theories, definitions and history in the field of psychology of religion as well as in-depth knowledge in religious, spiritual, and secular worldviews. After covering historical contributions from Sigmund Freud and William James to contemporary approaches, the course provides in depth insights into the psychological foundations of the development of belief and representations of God, conversion experiences, and psychological perspectives on spirituality and secularity. The course will further reflect on the relevance of emotions in religion and on the phenomenon of conspirituality, linking possible relationships between spirituality and conspiracy beliefs.
The course can be included as an elective in different Master programmes, and it is an independent subject which can be chosen by external students.
About the study
Study requirements
The student must
- Deliver and get approved an academic assignment of 1800 - 2000 words. The thesis topic is optional, but must relate to the objectives of the course, and refer to a limited part of the curriculum. The teacher(s) may assist in choosing the formulation of the topic if desired.
- participate in the evaluation of the study.
Students who do not pass the study requirements will have this counted as one examination attempt, unless they withdraw their assessment report for the course before the withdrawal deadline.
Final assessment/Exam
The final grade for this course is given on the basis of a three-day home exam (2500-3500 words). The course and final exam will be graded A-F.
Learning outcome
The student has:
- In-depth knowledge of psychological foundations of the development of belief and representations of God
- In-depth knowledge of psychology of religion interpretations of conversion experiences, with a specific focus on Sigmund Freud and William James
- In-depth knowledge of the theoretical and empirical differences between religiosity and spirituality
- In-depth knowledge of psychological perspectives on secular worldviews
- Knowledge of the role of feelings in religion and the phenomenon of conspirituality
The student can
- apply academic literature independently and extract significant aspects related to the goals for course RPSY5010 and relate these to each other
- reflect independently on one's own and others' forms of religious practice from a psychological perspective
- understand and articulate differences and overlaps between religious, spiritual and secular worldviews
Overlapping courses
RPSY5010 Psychology of religion: Psychological perspectives on religiosity, spirituality and secularity overlaps with the discontinued courses RPSY5010 Basic theories in the academic field of Psychology of Religion: understanding and professional traditions and with the discontinued course RPSY501 Basic psychological theory of religion: professional understanding and professional traditions. Such an academic overlap means that students who already have RPSY501 will receive 0 points for RPSY5010 on the transcript or diploma.
Reading list
Here you can find the reading list for this course.
Part of the literature will be available digitally, while other parts might only be available in paper format. Some of the literature will be available as compendiums, which you can find via the course room in Canvas.
You will automatically get access to literature that is available digitally when you are sitting at MF, otherwise you can get access by using Oria or by using "External access" in the library's list of databases.
Note that it will take some time before link to the reading list is updated. Please make sure that you are looking at the correct semester's reading list.