Critical Islamic Studies
Research Group and Online Consortium
Introduction and Goals
CIS research group and consortium is an academic research unit at the Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society (MF) whose aims are to engage with both historical and modern analysis of and research in the field of Islamic studies. The research group considers both Arabic and non-Arabic texts as well theoretical literature on the subject, in order to interrogate the nature and boundaries of the field of Islamic studies, and to deconstruct hegemonic discourses and historical processes of Eurocentrism that paint a partial and/or biased picture of Islam the Muslim world. It is devised as a platform to further implement current research on Islamic studies at MF and more broadly in Oslo, as well as to seek external funding opportunities and collaboration.
Part of the initiative is also the (online) consortium of guest lectures entitled “Critical Islamic Studies Lecture Series” hosted by the group leader at the MF's Center for Advanced Study of Religion (MF CASR), in order to discuss book projects and new research by international scholars in studies of Islam, the Middle East and/or South (East) Asia. The lectures, being interdisciplinary in nature, are open to the public, and are meant to facilitate an engaged discussions on epistemological, conceptual, methodological, and/or ethical predicaments within Islamic thought. The primary audience of these programs are those interested in Islamic studies, Religious Studies, and Area Studies more broadly.
Past Webinars:
4 October, 2021: Wael Hallaq on Reforming Modernity
31 March, 2022: Lena Salaymeh, What is Critique in Islamic Studies?
The research group and consortium is hosted by Sami Al-Daghistani. Sami is a Postdoctoral fellow at the Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society (https://www.mf.no/en/staff/sami-al-daghistani), an Associate faculty member at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research in New York (https://thebrooklyninstitute.com/people/sami-al-daghistani/), and a Research scholar in the Middle East Institute at Columbia University (https://www.mei.columbia.edu/scholars-fellows).
Amund Bjorsnes (PHI)
Hege Cathrine Finholt (MF)
Verena Hanna Meyer (MF)
Matthew Phillip Monger (MF)
Omar Anchassi (University of Bern)
Kristin Soraya Batmanghelichi (University of Oslo)
Safet Bektovic (TF, University of Oslo)
Nora Sunniva Eggen (TF, University of Oslo)
Erik Hovden (University of Bergen)
Rajbir Judge (University of California, Long Beach)
Mahmood Kooriadathodi(Leiden/Ashoka University)
Eivind Larsen (NLA University College Bergen)
Monika Lindbekk (University of Bergen)
Laila Makboul (IKOS, UiO)
Christian Mauder (University of Bergen)
Joakim Parslow (University of Copenhagen)
Amina Selimović (TF, University of Oslo)
Erik Skare (University of Oslo/CERI, Sciences Po)
Knut Vikør (University of Bergen)
Partners include the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages and the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo, as well the Center for the Study of Muslim Societies at Columbia University.