Professional competence areas:
- Ancient Judaism
- Early Christian Identity
- The Epistle to the Hebrews
- The Gospel of John
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Christan Faith: Text and Interpretation
Subject code: RL5240 - Christian Theology in the Making - Paul and the Gospel of John
Subject code: TEOL2210 - New Testament: The Synoptic Gospels: History, Tradition and Narrative
Subject code: TEOL5210 - Theology, Rhetoric, and Social History: 1 Corinthians and the Book of Revelation
Subject code: TEOL5215 - Theology, Rhetoric, and Social History: 1 Corinthians and the Book of Revelation
Subject code: TEOL5217
My research focuses on the interpretation of texts from the New Testament. My prior research has been mainly on the Epistle to the Hebrews and Paul, and it has focused mainly on issues having to do with the development of early Christian identity, the relationship between early Christians and contemporaneous Judaism, different interpretations of what it means to be “the people of God,” and also questions having to do with the relationship between salvation and creation. Currently I am working on the Gospel of John, and my research focuses on the concept of revelation in this text.
Selected publications
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2016). A "Non-Ethnic" People?, Biblica, s. 101 - 120. Biblica, ISSN: 0006-0887
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2016). Pannenberg's concept of Revelation and the Gospel of John, Kerygma und Dogma, s. 301 - 323. Kerygma und Dogma, ISSN: 0023-0707
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2016). "God’s Israel" in Galatians 6.16: An Overview and Assessment of the Key Arguments, Currents in Biblical Research, s. 123 - 140. Currents in Biblical Research, ISSN: 1476-993X
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2016). Seeing and Hearing God. On the Relationship between John 5:37 and Deut 4:12, Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 308 - 323. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2015). Creation and salvation in Hebrews, Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, s. 280 - 303. Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, ISSN: 0044-2615
- Magelssen, M. & Filtvedt, O. J. (2015). Assisted reproduction, the logic of liberalization, and five Christian responses, Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal of Bioethics, s. 159 - 175. Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal of Bioethics, ISSN: 0266-688X
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2015). The Identity of God's People and the Paradox of Hebrews, Mohr Siebeck, ISBN: 978-3-16-154013-4
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2015). Jødedom eller jødedommer i det første århundret?, Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 238 - 250. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
- Filtvedt, O. J. & Wessbrandt, M. (2015). Exploring the high priesthood of Jesus in early Christian sources, Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, s. 96 - 114. Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, ISSN: 0044-2615
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2014). With Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus: The Prayers of Jesus and His Followers in Hebrews, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation,, s. 161 - 182. Mohr Siebeck, ISBN: 9783161535208
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2014). The Identity of Israel and the Paradox of Hebrews
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2013). Jesus som skaperordet : Jesu gjerning forstått som nyskapelse i Johannesevangeliet, Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 414 - 432. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
Latest academic publications
- Filtvedt, O. J. & Schröter, J. (2023). Know Yourself: Interpretations and Echoes of the Delphic Maxim in Ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Philosophy, Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter), ISBN: 9783111083544
- Filtvedt, O. J. & Schröter, J. (2023). The Delphic Maxim Interpreted: Aims, Scope, and Significance of the Present Study, Know Yourself: Interpretations and Echoes of the Delphic Maxim in Ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Philosophy,, s. 3 - 19. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter), ISBN: 9783111083544
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2023). Jesus Knowing Himself: Origen and the Gospel of John, Know Yourself: Interpretations and Echoes of the Delphic Maxim in Ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Philosophy,, s. 473 - 503. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter), ISBN: 9783111083544
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2023). Ancient Self-Knowledge: Exploring Some of the Scholarly Debates, Know Yourself: Interpretations and Echoes of the Delphic Maxim in Ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Philosophy,, s. 21 - 54. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter), ISBN: 9783111083544
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2019). Revisiting Nicodemus's Question in John 3:9, Journal of Theological Studies, s. 110 - 140. Journal of Theological Studies, ISSN: 0022-5185
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2017). The Transcendence and Visibility of the Father in the Gospel of John, Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, s. 90 - 118. Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, ISSN: 0044-2615
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2016). A "non-ethnic" people?, Biblica, s. 101 - 120. Biblica, ISSN: 0006-0887
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2016). A "Non-Ethnic" People?, Biblica, s. 101 - 120. Biblica, ISSN: 0006-0887
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2016). Pannenberg's concept of Revelation and the Gospel of John, Kerygma und Dogma, s. 301 - 323. Kerygma und Dogma, ISSN: 0023-0707
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2016). "God’s Israel" in Galatians 6.16: An Overview and Assessment of the Key Arguments, Currents in Biblical Research, s. 123 - 140. Currents in Biblical Research, ISSN: 1476-993X
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2016). Seeing and Hearing God. On the Relationship between John 5:37 and Deut 4:12, Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 308 - 323. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2015). Creation and salvation in Hebrews, Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, s. 280 - 303. Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, ISSN: 0044-2615
- Magelssen, M. & Filtvedt, O. J. (2015). Assisted reproduction, the logic of liberalization, and five Christian responses, Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal of Bioethics, s. 159 - 175. Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal of Bioethics, ISSN: 0266-688X
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2015). The Identity of God's People and the Paradox of Hebrews, Mohr Siebeck, ISBN: 978-3-16-154013-4
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2015). Jødedom eller jødedommer i det første århundret?, Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 238 - 250. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
- Filtvedt, O. J. & Wessbrandt, M. (2015). Exploring the high priesthood of Jesus in early Christian sources, Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, s. 96 - 114. Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, ISSN: 0044-2615
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2014). With Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus: The Prayers of Jesus and His Followers in Hebrews, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation,, s. 161 - 182. Mohr Siebeck, ISBN: 9783161535208
- Filtvedt, O. J. (2013). Jesus som skaperordet : Jesu gjerning forstått som nyskapelse i Johannesevangeliet, Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 414 - 432. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
- Anfindsen, O. J. (2011). Vranglære som utfordring : noen nytestamentlige perspektiv, Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke, s. 245 - 263. Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke, ISSN: 0040-7194
Education and practice
2014 - d.d.
Postdoktor, MF
2010 - 2014
Phd stipendiat, MF
Forskningsseminar, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Bibelhebraisk, Fjellhaug
Master i kristendomskunnskap, MF
Voluntary position
Medlem av arrangementskomiteen for Nordic New Testament Conference