- Emnekode: SAM5020
- Studiepoeng: 10
- Semester: Høst
- Språk: Engelsk
Key Issues in the study of religion SAM5020
SAM5020 aims to provide students with advanced knowledge of selected key issues in the study of religion. To do this, it draws on cutting edge research-based here at MF. The aim is to connect master's level education with ongoing research, provide students with the skills to read and engage with up to date research and establish a better understanding of the kinds of research engagement with religion that underpins the RiCS (and other) masters programmes.
The course will consist of three parts: In the introductory part of the course, students will acquire relevant conceptual maps in order to understand the more specific discussions in ongoing research. The remaining two parts of the course will present a key issue, chosen in line with ongoing research at MF. The issues will change regularly, e.g. in two-year cycles.
The course will aim at providing the students with substantive knowledge of key controversies and tensions involving religion in society, as well as the development of familiarity with the craft of research.
The present iteration focuses on researching politicised religious othering. This topic will be the focus of the first part of the course and will investigate the relationship between religion and concepts such as race, racism, caste, colonialism and de/anticolonialism. This first part of the course serves as a preparation for investigating ongoing research linked to MF researchers and research topics.
The second part of the course invites internal and external guest speakers to present ongoing research that is relevant to understanding policised religious othering.
Om studiet
In order to receive a final assessment, the student must:
- take active part in a minimum of 75% of the formal teaching activities.
- have approved 8 short reading responses, following guidelines detailed in Canvas.
- participate in the in-depth evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.
When course requirements are not fulfilled, this will count as one examination attempt, unless the student withdraws before the set deadline (1 November).
Avsluttende vurdering/eksamen
In the final assessment for SAM5020 Key Issues in the Study of Religion, the student must fulfill all the study requirements and pass a one-week home exam (3500-4500 words). The exam is assessed with grades A-F.
The student has:
- advanced knowledge of selected issues and debates in research about politicised religious othering.
- good knowledge of selected empirical case studies that illustrate research about politicised religious othering
The student can:
- read and critically discuss academic texts from cutting edge research about politicised religious othering.
- participate in discussions and other classroom activities, displaying awareness of their positionality within the larger guild of academic studies of religion, as well as in wider societal discussions.
- apply academic concepts and theories to analyse, interpret and discuss politicised religious othering.
Her finner du lenke til litteraturlisten for emnet.
Deler av litteraturen er tilgjengelig digitalt, annet finnes kun i papirutgaver. Deler av litteraturen kan være tilgjengelig i kompendier som du finner via emnerommet i Canvas.
Du får automatisk tilgang til litteratur som er tilgjengelig digitalt når du sitter på MF.
Ellers får du tilgang ved å logge deg inn på Oria eller bruke "Ekstern tilgang" i bibliotekets databaseliste.
Vedrørende Nasjonalbibliotekets e-bøker:
Pensumlitteratur er ikke tilgjengelig som e-bøker fra Nasjonalbiblioteket!
Når det gjelder annen litteratur er det ofte begrenset tilgang, men studenter kan søke om tilgang ved å komme til MFs bibliotek. Tilgang gis for 8 timer.
Dersom du ikke kan komme til MF, skal det være mulig å søke i sitt lokale folkebibliotek.
Merk at lenken til litteraturlisten trenger noe tid for å oppdateres. Vennligst dobbeltsjekk at du har kommet inn på riktig semester.