Explanation and Appeal
Explanation for a given grade
Students may ask for an explanation of a given grade. Explanations requests are made in WISEflow. The request should be concise, and must be made anonymously.
The deadline for asking for an explanation is one week from the release of the examination result in StudentWeb.
Before you ask for an explanation you should check whether the examiner already have given one. If so, you can find it in the same place you ask for explanations in WISEflow.
The processing deadline is normally two weeks. Explanations will be short and will present the general principles underlying the assessment.
On oral exams students must ask for an explanation directly to the examiners immediately after the grade is given.
Questions can be directed to exam@mf.no (but the explanation request is made in WISEflow).
Appeal on a grade/formal error
Students can appeal a given exam grade. It is recommended to ask for an explanation before an appeal is made.
Appeals on grades must be given on the following form:
The deadline for appealing is three weeks after the grade has been published in Studentweb or three weeks after an explanation is given. For courses with more than one exam, appeals must be made individually for the different exams.The appeal deadline is three weeks after the result of each exam.
An appeal will be dealt with anonymously. The exam submission is assessed by two new examiners who are not informed about the original grade. The new grade can be either the same, higher, or lower than the original, and replaces the original whatever the outcome. The student may not appeal the new grade, cf. Act relating to universities and university colleges § 11-10. You can not make an appeal on the grade from an oral exam, courses where the final assessment is based solely on the fulfillment of course requirements or other assessments whose nature is such that reassessment is not possible.
The result of the appeal will be given in writing. The processing deadline is normally three weeks after the deadline for appealing expired.
If the result from an appeal is not received within the deadline for registering for a new exam, and you have the right to register for the exam due to failing, we advise that you register for the new exam.
Appeals on formal errors are regulated by Act relating to universities and university colleges § 11-9. Any such appeal must be given in writing to MF (address below).
E-mail: exam@mf.no
Mail Address:
MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
Exam Office, PO Box 5144 Majorstuen
0302 OSLO