Online Nomination
MF uses an online nomination service for nomination of exchange students. The deadline is 15th April for nomination and application for studies starting the Fall semester and 1st October for students starting the Spring semester.
Nomination process for partner institutions
MF partner institutions who are registred with one or more accounts will receive an e-mail with username and instructions of how to use the service. To be registred as a new user in the system, please contact us at
Step 1 - Log in
You log in to the online nomination service here:
The Nomination application supports Internet Explorer 8 or newer versions, along with most other browsers (Safari, Opera, Firefox, Chrome)
Username: Your username is the email-adress which is sent to you in an e-mail from MF's International Office. If you have not recieved this email, please contact us at
Password: To log in the first time you must order the password from the log in page. Enter your e-mail addres and click on "Send password".
Step 2 - Choose relevant agreement
After log in you will see the agreements your institution has with MF (the agreements that are registered on your username). Select the relevant agreement from the list and click on the button “Add new nomination” to nominate a student on the agreement.
Step 3 - Register nominated students
Add the student's information starting with the student's e-mail address. Please take care to enter the date of birth correctly on the format YYYY.MM.DD. Please also choose correct term(s) for admission.
After completing the student's information, click on "Add Nomination" to save the data. After ca. 30 minutes the system will send a confirmation e-mail to the nominated student's e-mail address and a copy to you. If you wish to cancel the nomination of the student, no e-mail will be sent if you cancel by clicking on the delete button (red circle with the white cross) within 30 minutes.
Please note that the data you have entered about the student cannot be edited once it has been entered by clicking on the "Add Nomination" button. If you typed incorrect data, you must delete the nomination using the delete button (red circle with the white cross) and then click “Add New Nomination” to start the process again.
After nomination
E-mail to students: When you have finished the nomination, the students you have nominated will receive an email from MF confirming that they have been nominated by your institution. The students will be given further instructions for completing their application in the MF online application service for students (Søknadsweb).
Student application status: You can keep track of each student's status by logging in on the online nomination service any time. On the “Available agreements and admission” webpage you may see all relevant agreements and the application status of your nominated students; nominated, applied, admission granted, withdrawn etc.. You may also upload further documents for each student.
Students must upload the following documents in their application:
- Learning agreement
- University transcript of records
The students must complete the application online before:
- 15 April for studies starting the fall semester (August-December or August-June)
- 1 October for studies starting the spring semester (January-June)