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The buddy week is a great way to get to know the people you'll be studying with!
The buddies are experienced MF students and can answer most questions about MF - and about Oslo if you are new to the city.
Please note: The programme is subject to change. Keep in touch with the buddies!
Friday 11 August
14.00 Walk to Frognerparken
Tuesday 15 August
14.30 Oslo rebus
20.00 Party at Brød og Sirkus
Wednesday 16 August
18.00 Boat party in the Oslofjord
After boat party at Heidis
Theme: The brighter, the better
Thursday 17 August
17.00 Pentathlon at Sognsvann
Friday 18 August
21.00 Party at Scotsman
Theme: Black and white
Saturday 19 August
14.00 Trip to Hovedøya for sun and barbecues. Joint departure from Aker brygge.