- Time:
- Place: Auditorium 1 and streaming
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Lina Snoek Hauan will publically defend her thesis for the degree of PhD. at MF on April 9th 2025.
Kl. 10.15: Trial Lecture
The topic will be public on March 25th.
Kl. 12.15: Public defense
Knowledge creation in Religion and Ethics classrooms:
Hegemonic discourses, epistemic resistance and relational dynamics
The trial lecture and public defense will in be Norwegian and streamed on YouTube.
Read the abstract here.
One may request electronic access to the thesis at phd@mf.no from March 25th - April 8th.
Professor Trine Anker and Professor Geir Afdal have supervised the candidate.
Ordinary examiners will be:
Professor Kerstin von Brömssen, Högskolan Väst, Sverige
Professor Torjer Andreas Olsen, Universitetet i Tromsø
Associate Professor Emil Sætra, MF
Prorector Kjetil Fretheim will chair the public defense.