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- Place: MF
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Welcome to the graduation ceremony at MF for the spring of 2023!
The day is divided into two different events with speeches, music, and diploma presentations. After each ceremony, there will be served coffee and cakes.
Please see the list to find out when your program should attend. Between the two ceremonies, there will be a service in the canteen for anyone who wants to participate.
All candidates will receive an email with registration information. Initially, it will be possible to bring two guests.
10:00 Diploma ceremony in Aud 1 for candidates from:
- Teacher education
- Master in Religion in Contemporary Society
- Master in Theology
- Master in History of Religion
- Experience-based Master in Christianity, Religion, and Ethics
English translation offered.
Candidates meet for lineup for the procession in Aud 2 at 9:45
11:10 Coffee and cake will be served. Photography outside in the amphitheatre.
12:00 Worship service in the cafeteria
English translation offered.
13:30 Diploma ceremony in Aud 1 for candidates from:
- Youth, Culture, and Religious Education
- Professional study in theology
- Methodist pastoral training
- Master in Theology
- Master in Diaconia
- Master in Clinical Pastoral Education
- Master in Practical Theology
- Master in Church Education
- Experience-based Master in Church Education
- Experience-based Master: Priest
Candidates meet for lineup for the procession in Aud 2 at 13:15.
14:40 Coffee and cake will be served. Photography outside in the amphitheater.