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Who? How many? An Ethics of Migration for Norway
The basic ethical question in Norwegian immigration politics is how the Norwegian State can protect the human rights of migrants and secure European economic integration, while at the same time fulfilling its moral and political duties to its own citizens in the distribution of goods. In this book, Eikrem analyses and discusses this question in the context of a range of concrete controversial issues in Norwegian Immigration Law and Policy.
We have invited Andreas H. Hvidsten to give a response.
Please join us in person at the MF Library, or watch on Zoom: https://mf-no.zoom.us/j/64105595003?pwd=S0JpdTIyT1dBcjRwTjg2YzVxdmVRQT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 641 0559 5003
Passcode: MFCASR