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“Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Early Codex: Digital Humanities and Archaeometry”
The history of the early codex is entangled with the history of knowledge production, transmission, and storage. As such, the study of early codices can benefit from interdisciplinary approaches. This presentation aims to illustrate two complementary sides of the project “The Early History of the Codex: A New Methodology and Ethics for Manuscript Studies” (EthiCodex, project leader: Brent Nongbri). Firstly, the process of designing and maintaining an online, open access database of codicological and provenance data will be presented. Secondly, the materiality of the codex will be discussed, with a focus on scientific analysis and the way it can contribute to deepening our understanding of the technology of codex production.
Please join us in person at the MF Library, or watch on Zoom. (Click here for Zoom link.)
Zoom Meeting ID: 641 0559 5003
Passcode: MFCASR