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"The Enigmatic Powerful Word AGLA (ᛆᚵᛚᛆ) in Scandinavian Medieval Inscriptions and אגלא (ʾaglāʾ) in Jewish Mystical Texts and Inscriptions: A Case of Inter-Religious Borrowing?"
I base the presentation on a draft article discussing a particularly powerful (or magic) word: AGLA. The word appears in Scandinavian Medieval inscriptions as the runic AGLA (ᛆᚵᛚᛆ) and in Jewish amulets and texts like the Hebrew ʾaglāʾ (אגלא).
The first section gives examples and illustrations of how runic inscriptions from Scandinavia used AGLA and in what contexts. Scandinavian runic-text inscriptions containing AGLA differ in writing materials, genres and original contexts and find spots.
The second section discusses the function and meaning of ʾaglāʾ in Jewish tradition, particularly in Hebrew amulets and other esoteric literature. Did ʾaglāʾ originate as an abbreviation (notarikon), either or the ʿĀmîdâ’s second benediction (Birkat gəbûrôt), or Gen 49:8–11?
The subsequent section discusses the relationship between AGLA and ʾaglāʾ. Do the runic AGLA and Hebrew ʾaglāʾ represent the same powerful word? The tentative answer is “yes.”
The last section speculates on how the Jewish ʾaglāʾ migrated to Scandinavia and became the runic-text ᛆᚵᛚᛆ. Did ʾaglāʾ become ᛆᚵᛚᛆ via a route from starting somewhere in the East, for example, in the Jewish Khazar Empire? Or did the powerful word migrate into Scandinavia from the West, directly from a Jewish community (e.g., Cologne, Worms, Lincoln, or Rouen), or via a Christian centre of Hebraism (like Ramsey Abbey in England or the Abbey of Saint Victor in Paris)?
This lunch will be entirely on Zoom: https://mf-no.zoom.us/j/64105595003?pwd=S0JpdTIyT1dBcjRwTjg2YzVxdmVRQT09
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