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The Tolls of Public-Facing Scholarship
In this talk, we will present the findings of our forthcoming article, “Manuscripts in the News: The Challenges of Public-Facing Scholarship” (soon to be published in Harvard Theological Review) which provides an overview of the experiences with dissemination of religious studies/manuscript scholars – in particular those dealing with manuscript finds and forgeries. Notably, we found that exposure in the media brought with it significant tolls in various forms for the scholar. One of our main findings was that there is a troublesome gap between institutional expectations of media engagement and the lack of support for the individual scholar when public-facing scholarship invites problems.
Please join us in person at the MF Library, or watch on Zoom: https://mf-no.zoom.us/j/64105595003?pwd=S0JpdTIyT1dBcjRwTjg2YzVxdmVRQT09
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