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Why study second-hand, ancient histories? The added value of engaging with the biblical book Chronicles
For the past more than 20 years, I have been studying the biblical book of Chronicles. Often I receive the question, “Why do you study an ancient history book that is anyway a second-hand version of the Deuteronomistic history?” This question was already influencing scholarship of the book negatively in 1806 when WML de Wette asked: „Warum sollen wir uns hier die Mühe geben, eine Glaubwürdigkeit zu retten, die schon verloren ist?“ In my short talk I will try to answer these questions from recent Chronicles scholarship, but also from the context of post-apartheid South Africa.
Please join us in person at the MF Library, or watch on Zoom: https://mf-no.zoom.us/j/64105595003?pwd=S0JpdTIyT1dBcjRwTjg2YzVxdmVRQT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 641 0559 5003
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