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The Migration of a Luthertext: how Luther’s catechetical text from 1529 became the first Swedish Children’s Bible (1600)
Martin Luther´s Prayerbook was published in 1522 and became one of the bestselling prints during the 1520ies. In 1529 the Wittenberg reformer published an entirely revised edition of this prayer book – even this again a best seller. The 1529 version contained as well a shortened version of the Bible (Passional), 50 biblical stories with woodcuts which has been considered as the first Children´s bible. The different versions (1522 and 1529) of Martin Luther´s Prayerbook were until the beginning of the 17th Century printed in many different European languages, amongst others, French, Danish and Swedish. Sometimes the text was shortened, sometimes extended with other texts, some parts as e.g. the Children´s Bible were issued separately. In my current research I follow Martin Luther´s Prayer book through the course of more than 80 years, through different languages and political contexts. The migration of Luther´s Prayerbook to different contexts raises even many interesting theoretical questions: What is an author, especially when his text is shortened or merged with new texts by other authors? What is a “text” and what is the “original text”?
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