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The Archaeology of Fourth-Century Christianity in Egypt and DEChriM’s Work Packages
Running from 2019 to 2025, the MF-based ERC project DEChriM ("Deconstructing Early Christian Metanarratives: Fourth-Century Egyptian Christianity in the Light of Material Evidence") enters its fifth year. Victor Ghica will give an overview of the project's architecture and activities, taking stock of what the DEChriM team has achieved, where it stands now and what lays ahead of it. The talk will focus on the project's work-packages, some of its outputs (the 4CARE and SKOS databases) and will highlight the main results of the ten fieldwork campaigns carried out in Egypt so far. The schedule of DEChriM's two next years will also be hinted at, as well as some of the team's preliminary conclusions in regards to the spread of Christianity during the century of its legalisation.
Please join us in person at the MF Library, or watch on Zoom: https://mf-no.zoom.us/j/64105595003?pwd=S0JpdTIyT1dBcjRwTjg2YzVxdmVRQT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 641 0559 5003
Passcode: MFCASR