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John Daniel Andersen will give the trial lecture and defense for the degree of PhD MF 9 January 2024.
The trial lecture starts at 10:15 on the given topic:
On the critical role of experience in theology, with special reference to liberation theologies
At 12:15: the public defense of the thesis:
How to Understand Pentecostal Experiences of God as a Source for Systematic Theology
Summary of the thesis (pdf)
Contact phd@mf.no within 8 January for electronic access to the thesis.
The trail lecture and public defense will be in English and will be streamed.
Ordinary examiners:
Professor Dr. Ulf Zackariasson, Uppsala University
Revd. Dr. Simo Frestadius, Regents Theological College
- Associate professor Kristin Graff-Kallevåg. is the third member of the examination committee.
The public defense will be chaired by prorector Kjetil Fretheim