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Ryan Florer Smith will give the trial lecture and defence for the degree of PhD 21 October 2024.
The trial lecture starts at 10:15 on the given topic:
Discuss the challenges that gave rise to the Coherence Based Genealogical Method (CBGM) and how the CBGM addresses these challenges in the production of the Editio critica maior (ECM) editions
At 12:15 - The public defense of the thesis
The Heretofore Inconsistent Text-Critical Analysis of Matt 27:49b and the Recovery of a Dismissed Variant Reading’s Story to Tell
Professor Chris Keith and Professor Tommy Wasserman have supervised the candidate.
The trail lecture and public defense will be in English.
You may also follow the event on YouTube.
Read the abstract of the thesis (pdf)
One may request electronic access to the thesis at phd@mf.no within 21 October 2024.
Ordinary examiners will be:
- Dr Gregory Paulson, University of Munster
- Professor Jennifer Wright Knust, Duke University, Durham
- Professor Brent Nongbri is the third member of the examination committee
Rector Vidar L. Haanes will chair the public defense.