Symposium: Scandinavian contributions to Theology and Qualitative research
- Time:
- Place: Auditorium 4
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The research group in practical theology at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society welcomes to a full-day symposium. The program will take place on campus in Oslo, but we will accommodate online participation also. We envision a day with a mix of presentations, responses and panels.
The Symposium relates to the book release of The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Theology and Qualitative Research. All contributors have contributed chapters in the volume.
The overarching question for the Symposium is: What are the specifically Scandinavian contributions to the conversation on Theology and Qualitative research?
Sign up here before December 1.
09.00: Welcome, by Knut Tveitereid
09.15: Keynote: Pete Ward: Theology and Qualitative research and uneasy relationship
10:00: Break
10.15: Focus slot on Method
- Kristen Donskov Felter: Fieldwork and the theologian
- Kirstine Helboe Johansen: Analysis and the theologian
- Jonas Ideström: Theological Action research
- Conversation
11.30: Lunch
12.15: Focus slot on the empirical turn in practical theology
- Marianne Gaarden: Homiletics
- Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen: Cristian Education
- Ninna Edgardh: Queer Theology
- Bård Norheim: The presence of Christ in Qualitative Research
13.15: Break
13.30: Keynote: Tone Stangeland Kaufman: The Scandinavian contribution
14.00: Break
14.15: Panel/Conversation: Lived Theology and Theology in the lived
15.00. The end