Writing Bootcamp: how to engineer a clear, systematic, and orderly thesis or dissertation
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- Place: Library
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How do you take the anxiety out of writing long research texts? You use an orderly system.
By the end of this 90-minute bootcamp held by Professor Blossom Stefaniw you will have a pattern to follow for your introduction, conclusion, each paragraph, and the overall project. You will know the job each section is supposed to do and how to build it up so that each section connects with the others smoothly like nicely turning gears. You will also have a reliable series of steps to work through in the correct order. By using such templates, protocols, and checklists, you will be able to radically improve the quality of your writing and your experience of writing will be radically less stressful.
The bootcamp is organised by the MF Writing Center, and is open to all MA and PhD-students.
Registration required.