It is important to let us know if you have experienced or know about problematic or unacceptable behaviour at MF.
Contact Person
MF's contact person is the Student Chaplains. They have the task of giving support, guidance and help to students who experience harassment. Here you will be met with knowledge and understanding in a confidential setting. You can contact
What is harassment?
Harassment is defined by Norwegian law as «actions, inaction or words that have or are intended to have an offensive, frightening, hostile, degrading or humiliating effect […]» This can be related to ethnicity, skin colour, language, religion, world view or gender. It is the person subjected to unwanted language or actions that determines whether they are bothersome/threatening or not. To set limits for what one can accept is an individual right, but for many, it can for various reasons be difficult to report. In such a situation, it can be useful to ask for help. Do not be afraid to contact us. You can be anonymous.
Unwanted Sexual Attention
Harassment in the form of unwanted/bothersome sexual attention can take several forms. Sexual attention can feel negative even when it is not meant to be negative, and it is the person who sees themselves as the focal point of such attention that has the right to define what unwanted sexual attention is. Harassment can be anything from an unpleasant encounter to systematic pestering over time. Relatively "innocent" episodes are also important to take seriously when they are repeated over time or affect a new person each time. In general, it can be claimed that sexual attention is harassment when it has negative physical, psychological or work-related consequences.
Harassment in the form of bullying is when a person repeatedly and over time is subject to negative actions. This can be pestering, ostracizing, hurtful teasing and the like. Typically, the situation is such that the two parties of the conflict are not equally strong and that the victim has little capacity to defend themselves.
Would you rather make an anonymous report? Here you will find a form you can use.
Action Plan
The governing board of MF has approved action plans that set guidelines for how your case is to be handled.
Action Plan: Bullying
When you report bullying, MF's contact person is given responsibility for the case.
You will be invited to a conversation where the goal will be to define the source and scope of the problem. Afterwards, the contact person will take responsibility for establishing a dialogue with the source of the problem (with a personal advisor).
The aim of this dialogue is to identify and take measures towards the bully in order to prevent recurrence:
• Establish a common understanding of the facts, if possible.
• Agree upon written guidelines within a time frame.
• Evaluate the effects of measures and possibly formulate written warnings about broken rules if necessary.
• Inform about the governing board's power of expulsion after a written warning has been given, in accordance with the Universities and Colleges Act. An opportunity to appeal such a decision will be given according to normal appeal procedures.
The contact person will also consider assistance from SiO's health services / a psychologist for the bully and the victim of bullying.
Action Plan: Unwanted Sexual Attention
When you report unwanted sexual attention, MF's contact person is given responsibility for the case. She will make sure that the college leadership, through the Director of Academic Affairs, is informed that a report has been made. The case will be anonymized.
You will be invited to a conversation with the contact person where the goal will be to define the source and scope of the problem. Here you will also receive help in setting limits and letting the offender know that the advances or actions are unwanted. Afterwards, the contact person will take responsibility for establishing a dialogue with the source of the problem (with a personal advisor).
The aim of this dialogue is to identify and take measures in order to prevent recurrence:
• Establish a common understanding of the facts, if possible.
• Agree upon written guidelines within a time frame.
• Evaluate the effects of measures and possibly formulate written warnings about broken rules if necessary.
• Inform about the governing board's power of expulsion after a written warning has been given, in accordance with the Universities and Colleges Act. An opportunity to appeal such a decision will be given according to normal appeal procedures.
The contact person will also consider the need to file a police report and whether or not SiO's health services / a psychologist are/is to be involved.
MF also has a working group against sexual harassment and unwanted sexual attention (ASTO) that can be assembled when need arises. ASTO consists of:
• Two employees, appointed by the Rector. One of these leads the group.
• Two students, appointed by the Student Council.
• The contact person.
At least two people of each gender are to be in the group.
One of the chaplains at MF is to be in the group, either as an employee or contact person