MF CASR Lunch talks - Spring 2025
MF CASR is pleased to announce our lineup of Tuesday Lunch Talks for the coming spring.
4 February - Jan-Olav Henriksen, Book Talk: Experiences
Processed by Religious Means
11 February - Otfried Czaika, "The Migration of a Luthertext: how Luther’s catechetical text from 1529 became the first Swedish Children’s Bible (1600)”
18 February - NO MF CASR LUNCH
25 February - Trond Bakkevig, Book Talk, Jerusalem: Kirkehistorie og politikk. Respondent: John Kaufman
4 March - Ragnar Misje Bergem, Tone Stangeland Kaufman, and Sebastian Ekberg, "Imposter-syndrom: On feeling inferior in academia"
11 March - Merethe Skårås, “Offisiell og uoffisiell historiebruk i Sør-Sudan”
18 March - Robert Emil Berge «Antikkens greske dramatekster: Poesi ment for evigheten, eller anledningsdiktning, skrevet for kun én forestilling?»
25 March - Gard Granerød, «Hvor høy er HERREN (Jahve)? Om sammenhengene mellom Bibelens tempelarkitektur og de mentale gudsbildene som tempelarkitekturen frembrakte»
1 April - Odin Lysaker, “Å erfare det hellige i naturen. Når animister og økofilosofer møtes.”
8 April - Ideas Workshop
22 April - Tatjana Schnell, Book Talk: Finding Meaning: Why life is worth questioning. Respondent: Tone Stangeland Kaufman
29 April - Ingrid Storm: “Religion and Social Conformism”
6 May - Brent Nongbri and Liv Ingebord Lied, Book Talk: Working with Manuscripts: A Guide for Textual Scholars
13 May - Gregory Fewster, Book Talk: The Authentic Paul: Critical Scholarship and the Making of a Christian Book
20 May - TBA
27 May - Kristin Joachimsen, Book Talk: Book of Esther: Themes and Issues