MF CASR Lunches, Spring 2023
MF CASR is pleased to announce our lineup of Tuesday CASR lunches for the spring.
7 February: Anders Martinsen, “Et nytt blikk på kirkekampen og vendingen mot arkivene”
14 February: Verena H. Meyer, “Grave Matters: Dilemmas of Modernism in Islamic Java”
21 February: WINTER BREAK
28 February: Gregory P. Fewster, “From Sorcerer to Philosopher: The Affordances of Epistolarity in Philostratus’ Life of Apollonius”
7 March: Nora Stene, “Jødiske foreldre om overgangsritualet brit mila”
14 March: Kristin Graff Kallevåg and Sven Thore Kloster, Populisme og Kristendom (Populism and Christianity)
21 March: Fredrik Saxegaard, “Presentation of a Current Research Project on Death and Funeral Practices in (The Church of) Norway”
28 March: Geir Afdal: "The Tolerance of the Tolerant. Negotiations of Tolerance in the Everyday Life of US Progressive Liberals"
11 April: Karl Olav Sandnes, Book Talk, Jesus the Epic Hero: The Theology of Empress Eudocia's Homeric Gospel
18 April: Sean Durbin, “Violence as Revelation”
25 April: Mina Monier, “The Arabic Diatessaron and Biblical Studies”
2 May: Lars Laird Iversen, Book Talk, Lykkeforskning: En sosiologs oppdagelsesreise
9 May: Claudia Lenz, “HL-senterets holdningsundersøkelsen 2022: Minoritetenes erfaringer og holdninger”
16 May: Gry Stålsett, “Følelser i fag”
23 May: Ingrid Storm, “The Relationship between Harassment, Insecurity and Religious Identity”
30 May: Kjetil Fretheim, “Klimafiksing: Teknologi og teologisk etikk i antropocen”