Student Organisations at MF

Did you know that there are a lot of student organisations at MF that you can be a member of? Below, you can find an overview of the different organisations, some information about each of them and their contact information.
Do you want to start your own organisation? It is easier than you think! Information can be found in the Student Council room in Canvas.
This is a place where students and lecturers at MF meet for dialog and discussions, where they have the opportunity to express their perspectives about different subjects in culture and society. Simply put, you could call this a debate club. The purpose is to promote freedom of expression, courage to speak out, and a diversity of ideas. Hopefully, this union can contribute to battle self-censorship and cancellation culture.
Contact on Facebook: Dialogos MF
Contact person: Petter Bjørkelid
E-mail: petter.bjø Tlf: 936 28 577
Lektorstudentene ved MF
If you are passionate about bettering the situasion for teachers, or just want to participate in educational and fun events, welcome! It is free to be a member during your studies and you get great insurance offers from Storebrand. Additionally, we have signed an agreement with Akademikerne which gives us good banking benefits and loan interests.
Contact on Facebook: Lektorstudentene ved MF
Contact person: Natalie Woldengen
MF Bibel og Frokost
Bibel & Frokost is a reading group at MF where we read the Bible and eat breakfast together. We read books and texts in their wholeness and coherence and enjoy a pleasant start to the day. We meet every Wednesday, kl 08:15-08:50 in Aud 4 at MF. Bring a Bible, and we will arrange free breakfast and coffee!
Contact on Facebook: Bibel og frokost
Contact person: Alexandra O´Connell
Tlf: 919 15 052
Contact person: Camilla Lerheim
Tlf: 954 13 800
Contact person: Simon Zakariassen
Tlf: 993 38 424
Time and place: Wednesday 08:15-08:50, Auditorium 4
MF Brennende Busk
MF Brennende busk is MFs union for hiking and bonfire enthusiasts, and for all who wants to become one!
Contact on Facebook: MF Brennende busk
Contact person: Robin Marco Bakkehaug
E-mail: Tlf: 921 26 451
Contact person: Freyja Tapaninen-Hagen
E-mail: Tlf: 974 03 102
BRIK (Boardgames in Church) is a boardgame organisation at MF. We have a good selection of boardgames of different genres and organize tournaments about once a semester. We meet on Tuesdays. Contact us to join, whether you are a beginner or a hard-core nerd.
Time: Tuesdays
Contact on Facebook: MF-Brik
Contact person: Hanna Versto Roheim
E-mail: Tlf: 414 90 353
MF Football
Who are we? MF Football is a new association for all football enthusiasts at MF, whether you are an experienced player or a beginner. Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where everyone who has an interest in football can participate, have fun and get to know new people across fields of study.
What do we do? We arrange weekly training sessions on Wednesdays in the gymnasium from 18:15-19:15, internal matches, and social gatherings. Here you can develop your skills, participate in friendly competitions, and experience the joy of team play. We also plan to participate in tournaments and cups for student teams, so that MF is represented on the field! Why join? Football is more than just a sport – it's a way to build community.
By becoming a part of MF Football, you will have the opportunity to combine physical activity with socializing. Here you can disconnect from studying, make new friends and make memories on and off the court. Come and be part of our team, no matter your skill level! We look forward to seeing you on the court.
Time and place: Wednesday 18:15-19:15 in the gymnasium
Contact person: Emil Samuelsen Alm
E-mail: Tlf: 960 47 147
MF Hobby
Welcome to MF Hobby, the organisation for students who wish to gather to work on hobby activities and chat. Bring a project you are working on or join if you want to learn some new hobby skills (knitting, sewing, needle point and lots of other stuff). The union provides snacks and hot beverages (coffee and tea). Time and place are not set, information will be provided continuously. Follow MF Hobby on Facebook and Instagram for continuous updates and information!
Contact on Facebook: MF Hobby
Contact person: Anna Havgar
MF Høypuls
MF Høypuls is a training group that work out together in the gymnasium at MF every week. Check out the current timetable outside the gymnasium and in the Canvas room “MF Student”.
Contact person: Thale Bergsholm Nesse
E-mail: Tlf: 988 22 336
MF Muslimske Studentunion
The organisation will work to strengthen Muslim identity by connecting Muslim students. We wish to offer quality assured knowledge about Islam and promote safety in religious practice at the college. Throughout the semester, we offer lectures, seminars, and social activities to realize our visions. We also wish to be a bridge between Muslims and other religious communities. Participation is open to everyone!
Contact person: Zeshan Ullah Qureshi
E-mail: Tlf: 450 89 029
MF Revy
Contact person: Natalie Woldengen
Contact person: Scarlett NestenPrest (Facebook)
MFs Sjømannskirkeforening
Are you curious about working abroad? Are you wondering what opportunities that await you after your studies? Or could you imagine working on an oil platform? Could you imagine small assignments? We meet once a semester to inform about what’s going on and job opportunities. We are always looking for volunteers for different stands – a good opportunity to get to know the Norwegian Seamen’s Church as an organisation. We try to host a stand at MF at least once a semester where we invite you for a waffle and some nice conversations. It is free to be a member of the Norwegian Seamen’s Church as long as you are a student at MF.
Contact on Facebook: MFs Sjømannskirke-forening
NestenPresten is a conference for those who almost are priests! No matter your educational institution or how far you are in your education, you are welcome to Hermon Høyfjellshotell the last weekend of October. If you want to help with planning or participate during the conference, please contact us!
Contact person: Lea Benedicte Waage
E-mail: Tlf: 466 30 307
Oslo kristelige studentforbund
Norges kristelige studentforbunds purpose is to wake and strengthen Christian fate and identity among students and young adults. We gather around work for God’s kingdom, for a joint effort for peace, justice and equality.
Contact person: Benedicte Falck
E-mail: Tlf: 40 900 661
Spir- Profesjonsforbundet for prester, diakoner, kateketer og pedagoger
Spir is here for all students who are aiming to become priests. Good working conditions for priests will contribute to students of professional study and graduates to stay longer in service, also when it is challenging. It will also help those in doubt to become our colleague. Our members are offered invitations to relevant courses, student stipends, discounted insurances and assistance in difficult situations in both student and working life.
Contact person: Andreas Nesheim Reknes
Teologisk lesegruppe
Contact person: Thale Bergsholm Nesse
E-mail: Tlf: 988 22 336
Not active organisations
Previous organisations that are no longer active, but which can easily be restarted.
ISU - International Students Union
International Students Union of MF (ISU MF) is a group in which all the international students of MF are a part. The board of ISU MF is working towards achieving two goals: getting international students involved and integrating them into Norwegian society. ISU as a whole prioritises the welfare of the students, is concerned with the decision-making process regarding international students, and collaborates and establishes contact with other student associations and community groups.
MF Koret
MF Koret is currently not active. If you want to sing and re-start the choir, please contact the student priests!
Contact on Facebook: MF-koret
Ung Teologi
Ung Teologi is currently not active. If you want to re-start the magazine, please contact the student council:
Ung Teologi is a theological magazine published by students at MF. The magazine has previously been published once a semester. This is a great opportunity for students to get articles published.
Rema Kilia
Rema Kilia is a organisation to work on Greek outside of the classroom. We meet to practice e.g. vocabulary and eat some snacks. We try to work seriously, but the most important is to have a good (and fun) learning environment! Join us!