Brent Nongbri
- History of Religions
- Office: 476B
- Phone number: 22590548
Professional competence areas:
- Ancient Christianity
- Ancient Jewish and Christian Material Culture
- Early Christian Manuscripts
- History of Religions
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Master's Thesis in History of Religions
Subject code: AVH5080 - Theories of Religion
Subject code: SAM5010 - Current Debates in the Study of Religion
Subject code: RL5110 - Religious Heritage for Sale
Subject code: RL5140
I am a specialist in the study of religion with a focus on early Christianity. I currently run the research project The Early History of the Codex: A New Methodology and Ethics for Manuscript Studies (EthiCodex), sponsored by the Research Council of Norway (2021-2026). My most recent book, God's Library: The Archaeology of the Earliest Christian Manuscripts (Yale University Press, 2018), was the 2019 winner of the DeLong Book History Prize awarded by the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, as well as the Biblical Archaeology Society's prize for best book on a New Testament topic. I blog with some regularity at Variant Readings.
Latest academic publications
- Nongbri, B. (2025). Galen and the Parchment Codex: A Note on the Text of De indolentia 33, Classical Philology, s. 132 - 138. Classical Philology, ISSN: 0009-837X
- Nongbri, B. (2025). Just a Little Rough around the Edges: The Use of Pumice on Papyrus, Bulletin of The American Society of Papyrologists, s. 227 - 239. Bulletin of The American Society of Papyrologists, ISSN: 0003-1186
- Nongbri, B. (2024). Imagining Science, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, s. 199 - 224. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, ISSN: 0039-6761
- Nongbri, B. (2024). A Papyrus Codex of Paul's Letters in Greek: Another Look at PSI XIV 1373 (P65) and P.Yale I 2 + II 86 (P49)., Novum Testamentum, s. 499 - 514. Novum Testamentum, ISSN: 0048-1009
- Nongbri, B. (2023). Review of "Coptic Bookbindings in the Pierpont Morgan Library", Journal of Coptic Studies, s. 329 - 333. Journal of Coptic Studies, ISSN: 1016-5584
- Nongbri, B. (2023). Friedrich Max Müller, Fieldnotes in the critical study of religion : revisiting classical theorists ,, s. 11 - 17. Bloomsbury Academic, ISBN: 9781350251656
- Nongbri, B. (2023). Manuscripts: The Problem with the Synoptic Problem, The Oxford Handbook of the Synoptic Gospels,, s. 152 - 174. Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780190887452
- Nongbri, B. & Sharp, D. B. (2023). The Bodmer Papyri and the Chester Beatty, The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety: Literature, Papyrology, Ethics,, s. 37 - 50. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter), ISBN: 9783110781304
- Nongbri, B. (2022). The Construction and Contents of the Beatty-Michigan Pauline Epistles Codex (P46), Novum Testamentum, s. 388 - 407. Novum Testamentum, ISSN: 0048-1009
- Nongbri, B. (2022). The Manuscript Tradition, T&T Clark Handbook to the Historical Paul,, s. 55 - 68. Bloomsbury T&T Clark, ISBN: 9780567691965
- Nongbri, B. (2022). The Date of Codex Sinaiticus, Journal of Theological Studies, s. 516 - 534. Journal of Theological Studies, ISSN: 0022-5185
- Nongbri, B. (2022). The Ethics of Publication: Papyrology, Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR), Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR), ISSN: 1055-7660
- Nongbri, B. (2022). Review of "Ancient Texts, Papyri, and Manuscripts", The Studia Philonica Annual, s. 298 - 301. The Studia Philonica Annual, ISSN: 1052-4533
- Nongbri, B. (2022). Review of "Bodmer Papyri, Scribal Culture, and Textual Transmission", Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR), Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR), ISSN: 1055-7660
- Nongbri, B. (2022). How the “Jerusalem Scrolls” Became the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran Cave 1: Archaeology, the Antiquities Market, and the Spaces In Between, Harvard Theological Review, s. 1 - 22. Harvard Theological Review, ISSN: 0017-8160
- Nongbri, B. (2021). Review of "The Origins of Early Christian Literature", Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR), Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR), ISSN: 1055-7660
- Nongbri, B. (2020). Palaeography, Precision, and Publicity: Further Thoughts on P.Ryl. iii.457 (P52), New Testament Studies, s. 471 - 499. New Testament Studies, ISSN: 0028-6885
- Nongbri, B. & Sharp, D. B. (2019). Four newly identified fragments of P.Bodmer 14–15 (P75), Novum Testamentum, s. 99 - 106. Novum Testamentum, ISSN: 0048-1009
- Nongbri, B. (2019). Palaeographic Analysis of Codices from the Early Christian Period: A Point of Method, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, s. 84 - 97. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, ISSN: 0142-064X
- Nongbri, B. (2019). The Present and Future of Ancient Religion, Theorizing "Religion" in Antiquity,, s. 1 - 8. Equinox Publishing, ISBN: 9781781793572
- Nongbri, B. (2018). God's Library: The Archaeology of the Earliest Christian Manuscripts, Yale University Press, ISBN: 9780300215410
Research projects
Education and practice
2017 - 2018
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Theology, Aarhus University
2014 - 2016
Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow, Dept. of Ancient History, Macquarie University
2013 - 2014
Macquarie University Research Fellow, Dept. of Ancient History, Macquarie University
2010 - 2012
Research Fellow, Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University
2009 - 2010
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Religion, Oberlin College
2008 - 2009
Lecturer, Department of Religious Studies, Yale University
2002 - 2008
PhD, Department of Religious Studies, Yale University