Mina Monier
Senior Researcher
- Biblical Studies
- Mina.Monier@mf.no
- Office: 424B
- Phone number: 22590603
Professional competence areas:
- Digital Humanities
- Early Christianity
- New Testament
- Textual Criticism
Dr. Mina Monier is an Egyptian British scholar of the New Testament and Early Christianity. Born in Kuwait and raised in Cairo, he completed his first degree in Electrical Power engineering and pursued his theological study between Lebanon, the United States and the United Kingdom. He earned his PhD from King's College London in the New Testament. From 2019- to 2022 he completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Lausanne, Switzerland, as part of the MARK16 project. His objective was to epitomise the use of digital humanities tools in addressing a classic New Testament problem, which is the end of the Gospel of Mark. Dr. Monier is currently the Director of the MF Lab for Manuscript Studies and Digital Research (MF L-MaSDR).
Latest academic publications
- Monier, M. (2024). The History of the Arabic Diatessaron: Codicological Evidence, Early Christianity, s. 322 - 346. Early Christianity, ISSN: 1868-7032
- Monier, M. (2023). ʻAccording to the Egyptiansʼ: Mark 16 in GA 72, Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin, s. 365 - 384. Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin
- Monier, M. (2023). Tatian and the Arabic Diatessaron: Mark’s Ending as a Case Study, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, s. 261 - 293. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, ISSN: 0142-064X
- Monier, M. (2022). Mark’s Endings in Context: Paratexts and Codicological Remarks, Religions, s. 548 Religions, ISSN: 2077-1444
- Monier, M. (2021). Mark’s Ending in the Digital Age, Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds, Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds, ISSN: 1743-887X
- Clivaz, C. & Monier, M. & Barda, J. (2021). MARK16 as Virtual Research Environment: Challenges and Opportunities in New Testament Studies, Classics@, Classics@, ISSN: 2327-2996
- Monier, M. & Taylor, J. E. (2021). The Arabic Diatessaron and Dura Europos, Journal of Theological Studies, s. 192 - 230. Journal of Theological Studies, ISSN: 0022-5185
- Houghton, H. A. G. & Monier, M. (2020). Greek Manuscripts in Alexandria, Journal of Theological Studies, s. 119 - 133. Journal of Theological Studies, ISSN: 0022-5185
- Monier, M. (2020). Temple and empire : the context of the temple piety of Luke-Acts, Lexington Books, ISBN: 9781978707443
- Monier, M. (2019). GA 304, Theophylact's Commentary and the Ending of Mark, Filología neotestamentaria, s. 94 - 106. Filología neotestamentaria, ISSN: 0214-2996
- Monier, M. (2018). Christianity in the Second Century: Themes and Developments. Edited by JAMES CARLETON PAGET and JUDITH LIEU, Journal of Theological Studies, s. 807 - 809. Journal of Theological Studies, ISSN: 0022-5185
- Monier, M. (2018). Justin against Marcion: Defining the Christian Philosophy. By ANDREW HAYES, Journal of Theological Studies, Journal of Theological Studies, ISSN: 0022-5185
- Monier, M. (2018). Reading Luke in Rome: The Temple and Pietas, Studia patristica, s. 115 - 138. Studia patristica, ISSN: 0585-542X
- Monier, M. (2017). Early Christian Communities between Ideal and Reality. Edited by MARK GRUNDEKEN and JOSEPH VERHEYDEN, Journal of Theological Studies, Journal of Theological Studies, ISSN: 0022-5185