Current Global Fellow

Prof Dr Jonker is the 2024 MF CASR Global Fellow. He is a leading scholar in the field of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament studies, particularly in the area of biblical literature from the Achaemenid Persian and early Hellenistic period of Ancient Israel’s history (538 – ca. 300 BCE). He not only enjoys recognition in his field in his own country as a rated scientist by the South African National Research Foundation and as Distinguished Professor of Stellenbosch University, but also in international circles as regular participant at the main conferences in the field and through his publications.
His exegetical work is characterised by a multidimensional sensitivity for and competence in the textual dimension (with thorough grammatical and genre analyses of the Hebrew texts and their versions), the historical dimension (with thorough focus on the socio-historic circumstances of origin and processes of growth of the texts), and the rhetorical dimension (with thorough focus on the discursive nature of the ancient texts in their historical literary environments, and the reception history of these texts). He employs various methodological angles to explore these dimensions, as illustrated in his work on the identity negotiation processes witnessed in the biblical book of Chronicles. He was invited to write a commentary on the biblical book Chronicles for the Old Testament Library series, and the manuscript will be submitted at the publisher at the end of November 2024. He has also been contracted to write a commentary on Ezra-Nehemiah in the Oxford Commentary Series.
Past Global Fellows

2023 Global Fellow
Mia Lövheim was the 2023 MF CASR Global Fellow. She is Professor in Sociology of Religion at Uppsala University, and leader for the theme Democracy, Communication and Media at the Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CRS). Her research focuses on representations of religion in Swedish and Nordic daily press, public service media and social media in the context of social and political change. She is the editor of Media, Religion and Gender: Key Issues and New Challenges (2013) and A Constructive Critique of Religion: Encounters between Christianity, Islam, and Non-religion in Secular Societies (2020).
2022 Fellow

Professor Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, of the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, was the 2022 MF CASR Global Fellow. Professor Moe-Lobeda is an expert in theological ethics, specializing in climate justice and its relationship to race, class, economic globalization, moral agency and hope.
Read more about Professor Moe-Lobeda's time at MF and current research here.
2021 Fellow

Professor Doctor Ute Hüsken, of Heidelberg University was the 2021 MF CASR Global Fellow. Professor Hüsken is an expert of South Asian religion, focusing on Buddhist studies, Hindu studies, Ritual and Festival studies and Gender studies.