Blossom Gordana Champlain
- Intellectual History of Christianity
- Office: 343
- Phone number: 22590544
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Key Thinkers in the Study of Religion
Subject code: RL2025 - Queer and Feminist Issues in the Study of Religion
Subject code: SAM5015
I trained in historical religious studies with a focus on ascetic knowledge cultures among Egyptian monks, asking in my first book about how reading served as part of ascetic practice, and in my second about how reading served to organize one's relationship to knowledge from the past and to a new future. This led to an ongoing fascination with interactions between texts, bodies, times and places which continues to inform my work on feminist historiography and how patriarchy and colonialism have shaped the archives and institutions on which many modern scholarly disciplines are based.
I am currently working on a third monograph called Men & Books, which takes the discovery of the Tura Papyri as a case study through which to explore how the extraction, possession and seclusion of ancient manuscripts was vital to the identity of male elites in modern Europe. This is in line with an ongoing interest in masculinity and intellectual history, and in unresolved questions of epistemic justice, given a history of the exclusion of feminized and racialized thinkers.
My teaching at MF focuses mainly on method and theory in religious studies and textual studies, and on gender.
Selected publications
- Stefaniw, B. (2021). Masculinity as Flight: Vulnerability, Devotion, Submission and Sovereignty in the Teachings of Silvanus, Journal of Early Christian History (JECH), s. 66 - 87. Journal of Early Christian History (JECH), ISSN: 2222-582X
- Stefaniw, B. (2021). Masculinity, Historiography, and Uses of the Past: An Introduction, Journal of Early Christian History (JECH), s. 1 - 14. Journal of Early Christian History (JECH), ISSN: 2222-582X
- Stefaniw, B. (2021). At Home in Archival Grief: Lost Canons and Displaced Stories, Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies (JIBS), s. 1 - 17. Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies (JIBS), ISSN: 2633-0695
Latest academic publications
- Stefaniw, B. (2021). Masculinity as Flight: Vulnerability, Devotion, Submission and Sovereignty in the Teachings of Silvanus, Journal of Early Christian History (JECH), s. 66 - 87. Journal of Early Christian History (JECH), ISSN: 2222-582X
- Stefaniw, B. (2021). Masculinity, Historiography, and Uses of the Past: An Introduction, Journal of Early Christian History (JECH), s. 1 - 14. Journal of Early Christian History (JECH), ISSN: 2222-582X
- Stefaniw, B. (2021). At Home in Archival Grief: Lost Canons and Displaced Stories, Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies (JIBS), s. 1 - 17. Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies (JIBS), ISSN: 2633-0695
Education and practice
2017 - d.d.
Heisenberg Fellow of the German Research Council
2011 - 2017
Junior Professor for Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity, University of Mainz (Germany)
2008 - 2011
post-docs at University Erfurt, Dumbarton Oaks, and Aarhus University (Denmark)
2005 - 2008
Dr. phil Religious Studies, University of Erfurt (Germany)
Voluntary position
2021 - d.d.
leader of MF research group Manuscript Cultures and Modern Knowledge Production
2021 - d.d.
Fellow of MF Centre for Advanced Study of Religion