Glenn Øystein Wehus
Associate Professor
- New Testament, Greek and Classics
head of section NT
- Office: 469
- Phone number: 22590611
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Introduction to New Testament Greek
Subject code: TEOL1210 - Intermediate New Testament Greek with selected Texts
Subject code: TEOL1220 - Advanced Greek Language
Subject code: TEOL6210
My scholarly interests are related to the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean world. One main interest is the Greek language, both as a language system in itself and as a tool for understanding the theology of the New Testament. Another main interest is the philosophical traditions of these ancient cultures, in particular Stoicism and the Stoic teacher and former slave Epictetus (ca. AD 50-135). In general I am fascinated by the points of contact between language, history, theology/religion, geography and social aspects—the complex matrix which together makes up what we call culture.
In addition I have publish in papyrology (Greek and Coptic), and have worked on the papyri belonging to the papyrus-collection of the University of Oslo.
Latest academic publications
- Wehus, G. Ø. (2024). “What a Fine Thing It Is to Be Able to Say to Oneself … ”: Reflexivity and Verbal Contexts in the Stoic Epictetus, Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies, Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies, ISSN: 0039-7679
- Wehus, G. Ø. (2023). Know Your Exceptionality. The Delphic Maxim Know Yourself in Epictetus, Know Yourself: Interpretations and Echoes of the Delphic Maxim in Ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Philosophy,, s. 231 - 267. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter), ISBN: 9783111083544
- Wehus, G. Ø. (2019). Freedom, Slavery, and Self in Epictetus, Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 227 - 242. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
- Maravela, A. & Wehus, G. Ø. & Tothne, A. M. (2017). A Coptic Liturgical Prayer for the Consecration of the Chalice, Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete, s. 204 - 230. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete, ISSN: 0066-6459
- Wehus, G. Ø. (2014). "Bring Now, O Zeus, What Difficulty Thou Wilt": Prayer and Identity Formation in the Stoic Philosopher Epictetus, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation,, s. 343 - 369. Mohr Siebeck, ISBN: 9783161535208
- Maravela, A. & Wehus, G. Ø. (2012). In the workshop of a preacher-scholar? Christian jottings on an Oslo parchment, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, s. 87 - 97. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, ISSN: 0084-5388
- Maravela, A. & Wehus, G. Ø. (2011). Noen magiske tekster fra Papyri Osloenses, Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift, s. 39 - 43. Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift, ISSN: 0802-7005
- Maravela, A. & Wehus, G. Ø. (2011). Senantikk Magi. Tekster fra Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslos Papyrussamling, Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift, s. 27 - 37. Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift, ISSN: 0802-7005
- Wehus, G. Ø. (2009). Judasevangeliet: en presentasjon av en nylig gjenfunnet antikk tekst, Klassisk Forum, s. 79 - 94. Klassisk Forum, ISSN: 0801-3179
Education and practice
Innføringskurs i koptisk, Universitetet i Bergen
Mastergrad i gresk UiO
Timelærer Bibelskolen i Staffeldts gate
Feltprest Porsanger Jegerbataljon
Praktikum MF
Cand. theol MF
Idehistorie mellomfag UiO