Jens Braarvig
Director, PHI
- Classical and Buddhist Philology
- Office: 222
- Phone number: 22590533
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Akkadian 1
Subject code: PHI2001 - Akkadian 2
Subject code: PHI2002 - Sumerian 1
Subject code: PHI2141 - Sumerian 2
Subject code: PHI2142 - Egyptian (Hieroglyphs) 1
Subject code: PHI2181 - Sumerian and Akkadian Philology 1
Subject code: PHI2650 - Sumerian and Akkadian Philology 2
Subject code: PHI2659 - Classical European Philology 1
Subject code: PHI2750 - Classical European Philology 2
Subject code: PHI2759
Latest academic publications
- Braarvig, J. (2022). Ideas on Universal Ethics in Mahāyāna Buddhism, Diogenes (English Edition), s. 52 - 57. Diogenes (English Edition), ISSN: 0392-1921
- Han, J. & Hwang, S. & Lee, H. & Braarvig, J. (2021). Further Reflections on Zhi Qian’s Foshuo Pusa Benye Jing: Some Terminological Questions, Religions, Religions, ISSN: 2077-1444
- Braarvig, J. (2018). The Imprint of Buddhist Sanskrit on Chinese and Tibetan: Some Lexical Ontologies and Translation Strategies in the Tang Dynasty, Studies in Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra,, s. 427 - 451. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge, ISBN: 978-3-945561-13-3
- Braarvig, J. (2018). Dependent Languages, Studies in Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra,, Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge, ISBN: 978-3-945561-13-3
- Geller, M. J. & Braarvig, J. (2018). Introduction, Studies in Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra,, Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge, ISBN: 978-3-945561-13-3
- Braarvig, J. E. & Baums, S. & Lenz, T. J. & Liland, F. & Matsuda, K. & Salomon, R. (2016). The Bodhisattvapiṭakasūtra in Gāndhārī, BUDDHIST MANUSCRIPTS IN THE SCHØYEN COLLECTION volume IV,, s. 267 - 282. Hermes Academic Publishing and Bookshop A/S, ISBN: 978 82 8034 203 4
- Braarvig, J. E. (2016). BUDDHIST MANUSCRIPTS IN THE SCHØYEN COLLECTION volume IV, Hermes Academic Publishing and Bookshop A/S, ISBN: 978 82 8034 203 4
- Braarvig, J. E. & Borgland, J. W. (2016). A Kuṣāṇa Brāhmī Fragment of a Commentary on aśubhabhāvanā and the Formation of the Foetus, BUDDHIST MANUSCRIPTS IN THE SCHØYEN COLLECTION volume IV,, s. 329 - 332. Hermes Academic Publishing and Bookshop A/S, ISBN: 978 82 8034 203 4
- Braarvig, J. E. (2014). Iconoclasm - Three Modern Cases, Iconoclasm from antiquity to modernity,,, s. 153 - 170. Ashgate, ISBN: 978-1-4094-7033-5
- Braarvig, J. E. (2014). “Words for “Meditation” in Classical Yoga and Early Buddhism”, I: Halvor Eifring (ed.) Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist Meditation, p. 41-56, Hermes Academic Publishing and Bookshop A/S, ISBN: 9788280342010
- Braarvig, J. E. (2014). Hinduism: the universal self in a class society, The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity. With Marcus Düwell, Roger Brownsword and Dietmar Mieth,, s. 163 - 169. Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-0-521-19578-2
- Braarvig, J. E. (2014). Buddhism: inner dignity and absolute altruism, The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity. With Marcus Düwell, Roger Brownsword and Dietmar Mieth,, s. 170 - 176. Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-0-521-19578-2
- Düwell, M. & Braarvig, J. E. & Brownsword, R. & Mieth, D. (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity. With Marcus Düwell, Roger Brownsword and Dietmar Mieth, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-0-521-19578-2
- Braarvig, J. E. (2014). The Schøyen Collection, From Birch Bark to Digital Data: Recent Advances in Buddhist Manuscript Research,, s. 157 - 164. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, ISBN: 978-3-7001-7581-0
- Braarvig, J. E. (2013). Innledende essay, Milarepas liv. Oversatt av Bjarte Kaldhol,, s. 7 - 31. ISBN: 9788252580082
- Braarvig, J. E. (2013). Indian iconography on Bencharong, Royal Porcelain from Siam. Unpacking the Ring Collection,, s. 229 - 235. Hermes Academic Publishing and Bookshop A/S, ISBN: 978-82-8034-200-3
- Braarvig, J. E. (2012). The Spread of Buddhism as Globalization of Knowledge, The Globalization of Knowledge in History,, s. 245 - 267. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge, ISBN: 978-3-8442-2238-8
- Braarvig, J. E. (2012). Kulturblanding, handel og erobring, Spor, s. 12 - 17. Spor, ISSN: 0801-5376
- Justnes, Å. & Braarvig, J. E. (2011). Hellige skrifter i verdensreligionene, Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget, ISBN: 978-82-7634-902-3
- Justnes, Å. & Braarvig, J. E. (2011). Hellig tekst og hellige skrifter, Hellige skrifter i verdensreligionene,, s. 9 - 20. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget, ISBN: 978-82-7634-902-3
- Braarvig, J. E. (2011). Rhetoric of Emptiness, Zen Rhetoric and Doctrine in China, Korea, and Japan,, Brill Academic Publishers, ISBN: 9789004185562
- Braarvig, J. E. (2010). Noen overfladiske bemerkninger om indisk filosofi i fire ontologiske perspektiver, Filosofisk supplement, Filosofisk supplement, ISSN: 0809-8220
- Braarvig, J. E. (2009). The Buddhist Hell: An Early Instance of the Idea, Numen, s. 254 - 281. Numen, ISSN: 0029-5973
- Braarvig, J. E. (2009). The Manjusrivikriditasutra and its place in the history of Mahayana Buddhism, Hermes Academic Publishing and Bookshop A/S, ISBN: 8280340742
- Braarvig, J. E. (2008). Myths, Metaphors and Metaphysics. Orphic Metamorphoses of Dionysus, Hermes Academic Publishing and Bookshop A/S, ISBN: 978-82-8034-073-3
- Braarvig, J. E. (2007). Klassifiseringen av skrifttyper, NOA - Norsk som andrespråk, s. 72 - 85. NOA - Norsk som andrespråk, ISSN: 0801-3284
- Braarvig, J. E. (2006). Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection vol. iii, ISBN: 82-8034-006-8
- Braarvig, J. E. (2006). Das Traumlied in der Mythologischen Tradition, Das Traumlied des Olav Åsteson,, s. 73 - 82. ISBN: 3825174344
- Braarvig, J. E. (2006). Innledende essay, Sumeriske skrifter,, ISBN: 82-525-6213-2
- Braarvig, J. E. (2005). Timaios & Kritas, Platons samlede verker VII,, s. 197 - 317.
- Lienenthal, R. & Noel, W. & Braarvig, J. E. (2004). Medieval Seal Matrices in the Schøyen Collection
- Braarvig, J. E. (2004). The case of ancient Buddhist manuscripts from Afghanistan, Not for sale. A Swiss-British conference on the traffic in artefactsfrom Iraq, Afganistan and beyond,, s. 35 - 39. British Council
- Braarvig, J. E. & Sander, L. & Schmithausen, L. (2002). Fragments of an early commentary, Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection , vol. iii: Buddhist Manuscripts, vol. ii,,, s. 249 - 255. ISBN: 8280340033
- Braarvig, J. & Braarvig, J. E. (2002). Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection , vol. iii: Buddhist Manuscripts, vol. ii,, ISBN: 8280340033
- Braarvig, J. E. (2001). Gilgamesh-eposets ellevte tavle, Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke, s. 85 - 95. Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke, ISSN: 0040-7194
- Braarvig, J. E. (2001). Om Isis og Osiris, Den Egyptiske dødeboken,, s. 173 - 185.
- Braarvig, J. E. (2001). Gilgamesh og Atrahasis. To babylonske helter. Innledning, Gilgamesh og Atrahasis. To babylonske helter,
- Braarvig, J. E. (2001). Jesus og Dionysos, Kropp og Oppstandelse,, s. 38 - 48.
- Braarvig, J. E. (2001). Bhagavadgita, Bhagavadgita og andre Hinduistiske skrifter,, s. 3 - 103.
- Braarvig, J. E. & Hartmann, J. & Matsuda, K. & Sander, L. (2000). Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection , vol. i: Buddhist Manuscripts, vol. i, Hermes Science Publications
- Braarvig, J. E. (2000). Forord, I begynnelsen: Skapelsesmyter fra hele verden,, s. 9 - 32. ISBN: 82-525-4099-6
- Braarvig, J. E. (2000). Sangen om hakken, I begynnelsen: Skapelsesmyter fra hele verden,, s. 39 - 42. ISBN: 82-525-4099-6
- Braarvig, J. E. (2000). ¿W. Brede Kristensen¿s concept ¿Life out of death¿¿, Man, Meaning and Mystery. Hundred Years of History of Religion in Norway. The Heritage of W. Brede Kristensen,
- Braarvig, J. E. (2000). ¿Den mystiske teologi. Brev til Timoteus¿, Den levende kjærlighets flamme,
- Braarvig, J. E. (2000). Fra Hesiod:Theogonia. Den greske skapelsesberetningen, I begynnelsen: Skapelsesmyter fra hele verden,, s. 85 - 94. ISBN: 82-525-4099-6
- Braarvig, J. E. (2000). Fra Rigveda, I begynnelsen: Skapelsesmyter fra hele verden,, s. 245 - 254. ISBN: 82-525-4099-6
- Braarvig, J. E. (2000). I begynnelsen giftet Plogen seg med Jorden, I begynnelsen: Skapelsesmyter fra hele verden,, s. 43 - 48. ISBN: 82-525-4099-6
- Braarvig, J. E. (2000). Fra Enuma Elish: Den gang der oppe. Det babylonske skapelseseposet, I begynnelsen: Skapelsesmyter fra hele verden,, s. 49 - 84. ISBN: 82-525-4099-6
- Braarvig, J. E. (2000). Sarvadharmapra®ttinirdeßa, BMSC, vol. 1,
- Braarvig, J. E. (1999). Magic: Reconcidering the Grand Dichotomy, World of Ancient Magic, Papers from the first International Samson Eitrem seminar at the Norwegian Institute at Athens 4-8- May 1997, s. 21 - 54. World of Ancient Magic, Papers from the first International Samson Eitrem seminar at the Norwegian Institute at Athens 4-8- May 1997
- Braarvig, J. E. (1999). The Sarvadharmapravrttinirdesa: Sanskrit Fragments and Contents, Bulletin, Bulletin, ISSN: 0803-0804
- Braarvig, J. E. (1998). Språkmøter i Tibet: Pilegrimsreiser til India og kinesisk dominans, Kommunikasjon,, s. 151 - 164.